  • 學位論文


A Study of Entrepreneur’s Environmental Scanning Behavior and their Personality

指導教授 : 陳家聲
共同指導教授 : 黃恆獎(Huang Heng-chiang)


台灣經濟奇蹟,中小企業佔有重要角色。這些中小企業家制勝的關鍵通常在於能立即得知和反應市場變動,適時做內部調動,以便因應客戶的需求。對外部環境的敏感度則是中小企業家的百勝條件。本研究旨在探討創業家的人格特質與創業家外部環境資料蒐尋行為之關係,希望藉此探討台灣創業家外部資料蒐尋行為的脈落及與人格特質的關聯。 本研究採用問卷量化方式探討創業家外部環境蒐尋行為與個人特性之關聯,研究結果顯示創業家人格特質與創業家資料蒐尋行為無顯著的直接關係,創業家人格特質與非創業家的人格特質也無明顯差異,但在創業家資料蒐尋行為上,台灣創業家偏愛正式搜尋管道(例如書籍、雜誌)多於非正式搜尋管道(例如朋友、家人),而創業較久的中小企業家資料蒐尋行為與興新中小企業家較為頻繁。


Environmental scanning is the radar for success for entrepreneurs. (Brown and Weiner 1985) Past studies have found that entrepreneurs have preferences for different type of information and different information sources are used to scan business environment. As the result, entrepreneurs’ environmental scanning behavior becomes an interesting topic for Taiwanese scholar where SME has a significant role in the economic. More over, possible patterns for entrepreneurs’ environmental scanning behavior can be drawn. Entrepreneurs tend to obtain different personality traits compare with average employees, where unique entrepreneurs’ personality trait might be the cause of their environmental scanning behavior. The researcher attends to seek possible connection between those two variables. The result of this study has shown that older enterprises have wider environmental scope and frequent environmental scanning activities then younger enterprise. Also, entrepreneurs tend to favor informal personal sources then formal personal sources. However, their personality traits and environmental scanning behavior are not that different from the regular people and base on the research result, there are no connection between those two variables, personality traits and environmental scanning behavior.


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