  • 學位論文


Comparing the Emotions and Nostalgic Landscapes Experience between Different Taiwanese Generations

指導教授 : 陳惠美


懷舊是一種渴望過去時光的心理狀態,其主要經由自身經驗相關的人、事物、場景,或是非自身經驗的遙遠歷史等刺激所喚起。當人們面對未來的不確定性,透過緬懷過去得以達到自我認同,保持穩定的心理狀態。 因此,近年來全球燃起一股懷舊風潮,舉凡大眾傳媒、包裝行銷皆可見以「懷舊」為賣點之商品。其中,懷舊之旅、懷舊餐廳等即是運用景觀營造與主題活動作為懷舊刺激媒介,讓消費者產生懷舊的心靈體驗。然目前台灣的懷舊景觀營造,多著重於呈現特定年代之懷舊場景,而未考量過去研究中所提及「懷舊消費者本身因出生時代、生活環境及經驗的不同,對於懷舊事物的體驗與情緒也會有所差異」;而在景觀的領域,也較缺乏不同年齡層懷舊差異之研究。故本研究主要目的為探討不同世代人所認知的懷舊景觀類型、獲得的體驗、情緒為何,並了解各世代間之差異性及其意涵。 本研究欲了解不同世代人所認知的懷舊景觀、體驗及情緒,選擇質性訪談法進行研究。首先根據2010年台北捷運旅運量資料,選出旅運量高之三個站點周邊作為調查地點,抽取台灣四個世代受訪者:傳統世代(~1945)、嬰兒潮世代(1946~1964)、X世代(1965~1980)、Y世代(1981~1990)的族群作為研究對象。本研究調查期間為2011年 7月16日至2011年9月24日的周末假期,研究者以半結構式問卷進行訪談,調查時錄音輔以文字記錄重點,並依循飽和理論作為停止抽樣之依據。最後共訪談四個世代122位受訪者。調查完後整理成逐字稿,並進行資料內容分析及歸類。 研究結果顯示,所有世代共同提及之懷舊景觀有「居家生活」、「休閒遊憩」、「校園生活」景觀。其中,以「居家生活」景觀被提及的次數最多,由此顯示台灣所有世代人皆對於「家」有很深的情緒。各世代描述的「居家生活」景觀皆為兒時居住的環境,其特色為較純樸的景觀環境及生活模式;而在四個世代中,提及「居家生活」最多次的為傳統世代,他們特別懷念早期台灣開發度較低、汙染少的鄉村景觀,並強調在這些景觀生活的體驗及情景是年輕人難以體會的。所有世代次多提到的是「休閒遊憩」景觀,對各世代受訪者而言,「休閒遊憩」景觀之所以令人懷念,是因其於日常生活中較少見、僅於休閒旅遊時接觸。次於「居家生活」及「休閒遊憩」被提及的是「校園生活景觀」。 其中較特別的是,「校園生活景觀」被Y、X、嬰兒潮世代人提到的次數較高,年紀較長的傳統世代族群提到的比例則較低。在景觀內涵描述方面,由於校園景觀的形式固定,各世代受訪者提到的景觀形式、元素皆相似。 再者,關於懷舊體驗的部分,本研究發現所有世代共同提到的懷舊體驗為:「休憩體驗」、「生活簡單純樸」、「社會支持」。在「休憩體驗」方面各世代都常提到居家休閒或外出旅遊的經驗。「生活簡單純樸」體驗為X世代、嬰兒潮世代、傳統世代較常提及之懷舊體驗,受訪者表示較懷念兒時生活簡單、純樸的景觀環境。在「社會支持」體驗方面,較年輕的Y、X世代提及次數較多,他們懷念的內容大多為親友、同儕給予的支持關係。 分析各世代對懷舊景觀之情緒,各世代昔日在景觀中獲得的情緒為正負混合的情緒,但以「愉悅的」佔大多數;透過懷舊,受訪者產生的情緒以「愉悅的」情緒為主,僅少數人產生今非昔比之「感慨的」情緒;此結果表示懷舊景觀能喚起苦樂交替的情緒,大部分仍以正向的情緒為主。


Nostalgia is evoked by the stimulus related with the individual’s life in the past, such as people, events, scenes, or the impersonal and remote histories, which has also been defined by the bittersweet yearning from the past. Recently, nostalgia has become a dominant theme in many fields, such as geography, landscape, and medicine. This tendency to value anything old makes nostalgia applicable to marketing as well. For instance, the managers of recreation area usually try to create a nostalgic landscape or to design some activities related to the nostalgic theme. Although there has been ample research works on nostalgic issues, most of them were focused on nostalgic landscapes. However, life experience and its connotation which is diverse among different generations were rarely explored. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to explore the characters of nostalgic landscapes. Also, the different perceptions about attribute, affect, and experience of nostalgic landscape among different generations were also compared in this study. The research method was based on qualitative research. The survey was conducted in November 2011 at several major stations of the Mass Rapid Transit system in Taipei City, Taiwan. A total of 122 respondents were interviewed. The data analysis was based on a constant comparative analysis to construct emergent sets of themes from the interview transcripts. This study based on previous literatures, the respondents were divided into four generations: Traditional generation, Baby boom generation, X generation and Y generation. The result revealed that all generations indicate “campus landscape”, “leisure landscape” and “residential landscape” as nostalgic landscape. “Residential landscape” was mostly indicated and memorized among all the nostalgic landscape. This shows that all generations in Taiwan are strongly bound to their residence. Moreover, the residential landscape described by each generation is the living environment in their childhood. Among the four generations, residential landscape was mostly emphasized by the Traditional generation. The Traditional generation especially cherishes the memory of living in the least developed and less polluted countryside which they believed that the younger generation was difficult to understand. The second most indicated and memorized nostalgic landscape is “leisure landscape”, which are the landscapes interviewees accessed during their travel or leisure time. The third most indicated and memorized nostalgic landscape is “campus landscape”. Except for the Traditional generation, “campus landscape” is indicated by Baby boom generation, X generation and Y generation. Since the campus landscape is usually the same, the elements and styles of the campus landscape described by the interviewees are similar. This study also found that the common nostalgic experiences among each generation are: “leisure experience”, “simple and unsophisticated life” and “social support”. Regarding “leisure experience”, each generation all indicates the experience of residential pastime or traveling. With respect to “simple and unsophisticated life”, it is the nostalgic experience mostly indicated by X generation, Baby boom generation and Traditional generation. The interviewees memorize the simple and humble living environment in their childhood. Regarding “social support”, it is the experience of being support by family and friend. The younger generation, Y and X generation, mentions this experience more often. In the analysis of each generation’s emotions to the nostalgic landscape, it is found that the emotions associated with the nostalgic landscape include both positive and negative emotions. For most interviewees, nostalgia is associated with pleasant while only few interviewees feel sad that time has changed and the good old days are gone. This result indicates that the nostalgic landscape can bring mixed emotions which the positive emotion plays the majority part. Lastly, this study analyzes the different perceptions about attribute, affect, and experience of nostalgic landscape among different generation. Take residential landscape for instance, it is the landscape commonly memorized by each generation, however, Y generation links it with “leisure experience” while other three generations recall experience of the “simple and unsophisticated life”. Accordingly, for each generation, their perceptions about attribute, affect, and experience of nostalgic landscape are different.


王韻(2008)。服飾產業的工作價值觀與工作滿意度對員工離職意願之探討-以 X、Y世代為例。紡織綜合研究期刊,18(3),53-60。
