  • 學位論文

信念變遷與條件句 ──消解瑞姆濟試驗和保存判準不相容性的一個進路

Belief Change and Conditionals: An Approach to Resolve the Incompatibility of Ramsey Test and Preservation Criterion

指導教授 : 林正弘 楊金穆


這篇論文的主要目的在於提供一個新的進路,用以消解條件句理論中瑞姆濟試驗和保存判準的不相容性。自弗雷格(G. Frege)在十九世紀末創建現代符號邏輯(通稱為古典邏輯)以來,邏輯學家們注意到以古典邏輯中的「A


The main purpose of this dissertation is to provide a new approach to resolve the incompatibility between the Ramsey test and the Preservation criterion. Since G. Frege established modern symbolic logic at the end of the 19th century (in general called classical logic), logicians noted that it was inappropriate to express the form of sentence ‘if A, then B’ in our ordinary language into the form of ‘A


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