  • 學位論文


Design of Variable FIR Filters and IIR All-Pass Filters and Filter Banks with Discrete Coefficients

指導教授 : 李枝宏


在本篇論文中主要探討兩種不同的濾波器的係數離散化問題,第一種是可分數式群延遲有限脈衝響應數位濾波器,第二種是無限脈衝響應數位濾波器與濾波器組而這兩種不同的濾波器我們均利用WLS與Karmarkar演算法,提出的幾種Minmax的設計方法來做設計。 而由於一般濾波器的架構均會使用到乘法器,而且乘法器不但線路複雜且成本高,所以本論文採用一種架構[25],其主要為一個係數-1、0與+1的濾波器,串接一個簡單而且具由特定歸零的壘加裝置,這樣一來,內部的濾波器就不需要用到乘法器,本論文就利用這種以離散值為係數的濾波器有就是係數為-1、0與+1的濾波器,來發展前面所提到的兩種濾波器。 而本論文,將此架構應用在可分數式群延遲有限脈衝響應濾波器與無限脈衝響應數位濾波器與濾波器組上,也提出了設計實例,均能呈現令人滿意的結果,充分的驗證了此架構應用在上面所提到的濾波器上均為可行。


In this thesis, we consider three kinds of digital filters with filter coefficients taking on -1, 0, +1 only. One is variable fractional delay FIR filter and the others are IIR allpass filter and filter banks. We design these two kinds of digital filters with continuous coefficients using WLS algorithm and Karmarkar algorithm, in minmax criteria methods are proposed.. When we implement a filter of conventional structure, we always need multibit multipliers. But the circuit complexity and high cost of multibit multipliers always confuse us. Thus, we adopt a new filter structure [25] whose main part consists of a transversal filter with tap coefficients restricted to -1, 0, +1 only and cascaded with an appropriate recursive network with some specific resetting function. Therefore, it is not necessary for transversal filter to use multipliers; the adopted configuration is suitable for hardware implementation. We apply the new structure to the design of the digital filter we discuss above. In this thesis, we design variable delay FIR filter, IIR allpass filter, and IIR filter banks. The design examples are demonstrated to illustrate the effectiveness of the new structure.


digital filter design


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