  • 學位論文


The Study of Factors Influencing Fertility Intention for Postpartum Spouses

指導教授 : 張玨


研究目的:臺灣總生育率由1975年的2.76快速下降至2004年的1.18,快速下降的總生育率嚴重影響國家未來整體發展。本研究探討影響產後夫婦生育意願因素,以做為鼓勵產後夫婦生育政策的參考依據。 研究方法:以性別觀點研究,針對人口特性、身心健康、懷孕生產經驗、社會環境預期因素、家庭功能特性、生育價值觀與育兒情形層面,分析其與生育意願的關係。研究對象由戶籍臺北市2004年出生資料庫隨機選取生產的夫婦共600對,進行自填問卷收集資料,調查時間 於2005年11月到2006年2月為受訪者於產後期的一年到一年半時間。樣本回收共905份(女455,男450),其中夫妻445對,回收率74%。 研究結果: (1) 從多項式邏輯斯回歸統計發現: a)女性方面:女性特質具有「現代生育價值觀」者願意生的比率較高(OR=1.19-2.73);「育有子女數」越多(OR=0.12-0.58)、「配偶無生育意願」(OR=0.001-0.005)、夫妻生育計畫共同態度不一致(OR=0.05-0.60)者以及對未來整體社會發展信心缺乏者,願意生育的比率較少(OR=0.09-0.68)。b)男性方面:年齡越長(OR=0.84-0.97)育有子女數越多(OR=0.07-0.30)、配偶無生育意願(OR=0.03-0.12)者,願意生育的比率較低。 (2)生育價值觀:呈現都會區生育價值觀特性,「親職喜悅」已成為現代社會生育子女的主流價值,多於「傳宗接代」之生物性種族繁衍目的。兩性價值觀,突顯了性別建構的社會所產生的差異,女性具有「母性利他」特質(為了給小孩有兄弟姐妹的支持)、家庭主婦傾向有「養兒防老」觀念;而男性在生育角色中關注「經濟能力」是否許可。另外夫妻對傳統價值觀的共同態度,對女性具有影響。 (3)進一步討論,在單變項分析中具有統計意義的可能因素,包括身心健康、懷孕生產經驗、家庭功能與夫妻情感凝聚力。 建議:(1)研擬性別平等的人口策略,(2)協助高齡父母養兒育女問題,(3)促進產後父母身心健康,落實「親職減壓」政策,(4)安全與親善的母嬰照護環境,(5)強化家庭功能,(6)宣導正向生育價值觀,與夫妻在價值觀的溝通,(7)推廣「多面向的家庭計畫教育」。


Objectives Total fertility rates in Taiwan declined sharply from 2.76 in 1975 to 1.18 in 2004, which no doubt will have a great impact on future national development. In this study, we investigated the factors that influence fertility intention of postpartum spouses. This research will provide a beneficial reference for developing a strategy to encourage fertility. Materials and Methods With an awareness of gender differences, we focused on potential factors including demographic characteristics, physical and mental health, pregnancy and childbearing experiences, social expectations, family function and features, child value and child-raising conditions. Then we analyze the factors affecting their willingness to have additional children. We selected 600 couples of samples randomly from Birth Registry Database in Taipei 2004. Then we conducted a self-reported questionnaire survey from Nov.2005 to Feb.2006, in other words, one to one-and-half years after the birth occurred. There were 905 cases (455 women and 450 men) among which 455 couples finished the survey. The completion rate was 74%. Results (1) Multiple logistic regression findings indicated: a) Women with modern views on child-raising have the higher fertility intension (OR=1.18-2.73). Those women tending to have lower fertility intention include those who already have many existent children (OR=0.12-0.58), whose husband are unwilling to have additional children (OR=0.001-0.005), who disagree with their partners on having additional kids (OR=0.05-0.52), who feel uncertain about social development (OR=0.09-0.68). b) The men tending to have lower fertility intention include those who are older (OR=0.84-0.97), who have many existent children (OR=0.07-0.30), whose wives are unwilling to have additional children in the future (OR=0.03-0.12) . (2) Views on child-raising: “Pleasure in parenting” dominate the urban area, more important than biological purpose of “carrying on the family lineage.” Genders also play a major role in child-raising. Women show their maternal altruism, in that they consider to have additional children is to create better siblings support. Some housewives have economic motivation in obtaining care for their own old age. On the other hand, men are concerned with adequate financial support for additional children. Besides, the couple’s traditional value will influence women’s fertility intention. (3)Single variable analysis shows significant potential factors which include physical and mental health, pregnancy and childbearing experience, family function and couple’s affective cohesiveness. Suggestion (1) develop gender equity population policy, (2) assist older parents’ child-raising difficulty, (3) promote physical and mental health, and implement “parenting support group”, (4) provide safe and friendly maternal and postpartum care, (5) strengthen familial function, (6) disseminate positive values on child-raising, and encourage couples’ communication, (7) popularize family planning with diverse measures.


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