  • 學位論文


Numerical Simulation on Solar Cells with Metallic Nanostructures

指導教授 : 江衍偉




太陽電池 奈米結構 模擬


In this thesis, we use the simulation tool COMSOL to calculate the light absorption and carrier transport of the solar cells with metallic nanostructures. The solar cell structure consists of a p-GaN layer, a n-GaN layer, and in between a i-InGaN absorption layer. The light source adopted is the AM1.5G solar spectrum. We use the metallic nanostructures for exciting surface plasmons to enhance the light absorption of solar cells. Because the resonance frequencies of surface plasmons depend on the geometry of the metal-dielectric interface, it is feasible to control the enhancement of light absorption at a desired wavelength. To further understand the influences of surface plasmon and diffraction on the light absorption of solar cells, we change the shape and period of metallic nanostructures to see the effect. Through numerical simulation, we compare the light absorption for the solar cell with metallic nanostructures to that for the solar cell without nanostructures. Finally, we numerically investigate the enhancement of photocurrent and efficiency for the solar cells with the aid of the surface plasmons and diffraction effects.


Solar cell nanostructure simulation


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