  • 學位論文

都市更新條例的政策轉型 -從政策疏漏邁向政策承當

The Policy Transformation of Urban Renewal Regulation :From Policy Voids Towards Policy Affordances

指導教授 : 林水波


都市更新一直以來被視為經濟發展的重大政策,每逢景氣低迷時,常被做為活絡產業、創造就業及提升產業動能的政策工具。不過,隨著政策內外在環境系絡變遷迅速,之前制定的都市更新政策逐漸出現問題,民眾對於都更政策產生疑惑、質疑與抗爭的事件時有所聞,突顯出都更條例的疏漏,亦反映出現今乃講究民主治理價值的世代。值此之際,應該全局檢視與思索都更政策的疏忽及缺漏之處,冀以提高都更政策的正當性。 本研究採取政策敘事與文獻分析法以蒐集資料,研究內容主要在探討都市更新條例政策世代變遷及文林苑案焦點事件的歷程。於1998年都市更新條例合法化為第一個政策世代,在2000年至2010年期間是第二個政策世代,就在2012年文林苑案發生後揭開第三個政策世代的序幕。本研究分從以下四個部分探討:第一,都市更新條例的發展歷程與所蘊存的政策中斷因素為何?第二,第一及第二世代政策疏漏的情形?第三,重大焦點事件-文林苑案對都更的意涵與效應,及司法院釋字第709號解釋對於都更政策承當性的蘊意為何?第四,能否檢證都市更新政策世代變遷及文林苑焦點事件的相關命題?而為解答上述問題,本研究從政策變遷的視框,以政策疏忽、政策疏漏、制度中斷及政策承當等概念,檢視都市更新條例演化的過程;再以政策世代及焦點事件的命題為核心,進行學術及實務間的對話。 研究發現可分為三大主軸論述:第一部分就都市更新條例的政策世代變遷特質而言,第一世代為問題解決及政治導向,第二世代係效率(益)及行政導向,第三世代乃民主參與及政治導向。第二部分從文林苑案所引動的治理啟示,觀察到協力確已成為時代主流價值,彼此對立將違背此趨勢,必須針對癥結來解決問題,以誠摯溝通消除誤解歧見,降低高昂的情緒反應及鞏固協商平臺的權威。第三部分嗣經政策世代的命題及定理檢視及驗證個案後,可得知都更政策變遷與當時政策關注焦點的轉變有關,而後者又與先前政策長期所忽視的問題面向確具有關連性;在都更各政策世代的領域中,如有新世代產生,相關施為及工具每會出現與此世代價值趨同的現象;發展一項充分都更政策所要有的合宜工具,在現實中確實不易完整取得。當支配都更政策的行動者,在現行政策中發現一項重大的問題存在時,如無法透過修正既有政策予以解決,就必須重新發展一套新的政策工具,新的政策變遷即告啟動。都更決策思考的面向中,若某一面向的問題被忽視越久,屆時得面對及處理的壓力愈大。就焦點事件命題檢視面向,包括在都更政策領域的所有參與者,所提出解決的政策方案,會隨著各參與者的利益與動機,而產生調和及順適外在都更政策情境的情況。此外,文林苑案原先係地方型不起眼的小事件卻獲得最廣泛的注意;而都更受害者聯盟及其他社會團體動員影響及時連結文林苑案的焦點事件,惟不如美國利益團體般深具強大的影響力。最後,都更政策理念與各政策世代變遷間具有關連度存在,而因文林苑案而生的政策學習確實會隨著時間拉長而逐漸衰減。 研究建議可分為六個部分,包括(一)由政策體制中的疏漏邁向承當而言,必須有都更領航的主導組織。(二)就政策目標疏漏邁向承當而言,應妥適結合都更與防災。(三)從政策工具疏漏邁向承當而論,必須建置優質聽證或民主參與的工具。(四)就行動者疏漏打算邁向承當而言,如何提升與養塑公民力量實為要務。(五)由政策衝突的疏漏邁向承當的提升,必須引領公辦都更事業特質。(六)由政策衝突而生的疏漏邁向承當的層面,亟需調整與正確面對不同意戶的態度與作法。


Urban renewal has always been regarded as a major economic development policy; thus, whenever the economy takes a downturn, it is a policy tool often used to enliven industry, create jobs and stimulate the industrial momentum. However, the rapid changes in the internal and external environmental contexts of policies also caused the problems with the pre-established urban renewal policy to emerge, thereby fostering the gradual emergence of public confusion, doubts, and opposition to the urban renewal policy. It apparently reflects the policy voids of the Urban Renewal Regulation and manifests an era of democratic governance and values. In light of which, a full-scale examination shall be conducted to evaluate the urban renewal policy neglect and voids in the hope of enhancing the propriety of the policy. Data for the paper were compiled and studied through policy narratives and documentary analysis. The primary concern of the study is to delve into the policy generation changes of the Urban Renewal Regulation and the essential historical events of the Wenlin-Yuan Project. The Urban Renewal Regulation ratified in 1998 was the first policy generation of the law; the second policy generation was developed in the decade between 2000 and 2010; the third policy generation commenced in 2012, upon the event of the Wenlin-Yuan Project dispute. The paper delves into the policy in four parts: Part 1 – an analysis of the development history of the Urban Renewal Regulation and the factors causing the policy deinstitutionalization; Part 2 – the policy voids of the first and second policy generations; Part 3 – Major focal events: the implications and effect of the Wenlin-Yuan Project on the urban renewal policy and the significance of the interpretation defined in the Judicial Yuan Fan No. 709 on the urban renewal policy affordances; Part 4 – verifiability of the urban renewal policy generation changes and the related propositions of the Wenlin-Yuan Project. In solution of the aforementioned problems, the paper examines the evolution of Urban Renewal Regulation from the perspective of policy changes and through the concepts of policy neglect, policy voids, policy deinstitutionalization, and policy affordances, and thereafter conduct an academic-practical dialogue hinged on the core topics of the policy generation and the event-related propositions. The study revealed three major core topics: In Part 1, on the matter of the nature of policy generation changes of the Urban Renewal Regulation, the first policy generation had a problem-solving and political orientation. The second policy generation had an efficiency (performance) and government administration orientation; whereas, the third policy generation veered more towards democratic participation and political orientation. On the other hand, in Part 2, from the governance implications of the Wenlin-Yuan Project, it was noted that cooperation had become the mainstream value of the era and that mutual opposition is a contradiction to this trend. It is essential to provide solutions to the crux of the problem and institute sincere negotiations to eliminate prejudice, douse down high emotional reactions, and strengthen the authority of negotiation platforms. In part 3, following an examination of the policy generation propositions and theorem and the case evaluation, the study found that policy changes are correlated to the urban renewal policy changes and the shifts in the foci of policy concerns at the time, and the latter is correlated to the problems overlooked by the previous policies for a long period of time. In the field of the respective urban renewal policy generations, for any consequential new generation, the related policy measures and tools always manifest a convergence toward the generation value. Appropriate tools required for the development of urban renewal policies are not easy to completely obtain in practice. If upon the discovery of the presence of a serious problem with the current policy in force an urban renewal policy implementer should be unable to resolve the problem through an amendment of the existing policy, it shall be necessary to develop a whole new set of policy tools, and the new policy changes are thereafter initiated. If, in the aspect of urban renewal decision-making consideration, the problems of a particular aspect are overlooked for too long, the project implementers would have to face and tackle a greater amount of pressure in the long run. After reviewing the aspect for the event-related propositions, the policy solutions proposed by all participants in the field of urban renewal policy would vary according to the interests and motives of the participants, thereby generating scenarios for modulating and adaptation to external urban renewal policies. Furthermore, the Wenlin-Yuan Project was initially a small uninteresting local dispute that gained widespread attention. The effect of joint mobilization of the Taiwan Alliance for the Victims of Urban Renewal and other social organizations concurred to link with the focusing event of the Wenlin-Yuan Project; however, their efforts did not have the magnanimity of the influence of U.S. interest groups. Finally, there’s a correlation between the urban renewal policy concepts and the respective policy generation changes; thus the policy learning as a result of the Wenlin-Yuan Project would gradually die down as time progresses. Recommendations of the study were presented in six parts; that is, (1) for upgrading from voids to affordances in terms of the policy regime, it is imperative to form an urban renewal conductive organization; (2) for upgrading from voids to affordances in terms of the policy objectives, the urban renewal should be properly integrated with disaster prevention policies; (3) for upgrading from voids to affordances in terms of the policy tools, it is imperative to establish excellent public hearing or democratic participation tools; (4) for upgrading from voids to affordances in terms of the policy implementers, it is imperative that measures for upgrading and cultivating civil force should be defined; (5) for upgrading from voids to affordances in terms of policy conflicts, it is imperative that the government-led urban renewal efforts should be guided properly; (6) for upgrading from voids to affordances resulting from policy conflicts, it is urgently imperative that attitudes and methods adopted towards different objecting residents be adjusted and confronted properly.


