  • 學位論文


A Study on TeO2 Nanostructure RRAM Device

指導教授 : 張顏暉
共同指導教授 : 梁啟德(Chi-Te Liang)


我們嘗試使用二氧化碲做為電阻式記憶體材料,先利用高溫爐在p型矽基板上生長二氧化碲的奈米結構;並利用掃描式電子顯微鏡作奈米結構上的分析,以及利用X光繞射和光致發光作結構和成分上的分析。 製作兩種不同材料的電阻式記憶體設備,銀和鋁,分別做為反映傳導層,最後利用蒸鍍機鍍銀鋁作為電極當作反應層,完成了以p型矽基板和反應傳導層夾住二氧化碲奈米結構的電阻式記憶體設備。 實驗結果顯示,鋁作為金屬氧化反應層的樣本跟用銀作為反應層的樣本比較下有較好的電壓電流特性。為了改良設備上的缺陷,我們利用熱退火和增加二氧化碲奈米結構的生長時間,有效改善了矽-二氧化碲-鋁的電阻式記憶體設備,並且使其具有比先前更好的特性。 目前學術上有關二氧化碲作為電阻式記憶體材料的研究相關論文非常少,電阻式記憶體也算是一個較新的固態設備,只有少數的相關實驗數據參考。研究結果顯示,穩定性和持久性都是電阻式記憶體未來發展的基本挑戰。


In this thesis, a resistive random-access memory was fabricated by using the tellurium dioxide. The nanostructure of the tellurium dioxide was grown on the p-type silicon substrate in a high-temperature furnace. Scanning electron microscopy, Photoluminescence and X-ray diffraction analysis were carried out to investigate the morphology and the crystalline structure of the grown tellurium dioxide, respectively. Two types of resistive random-access memory devices were fabricated by employing different materials, silver and aluminum, as the conducting layer. In this study, aluminum was coated as the electrodes by the thermal evaporation method. The resistive random-access memory device was constructed by sandwiching the tellurium layer between the p-type silicon substrate and the conducting layer. The measured current-voltage characteristics of the device with the aluminum conducting layer performed better than that with the silver one. To improve the device performance, annealing and extending the growth time of TeO2 nanostructure were attempted in this study, and the results show a positive outcome. Resistive random-access memory is a relatively new subject for solid state devices. Only a handful of experimental data are available to date. The results presented in this thesis indicate that the stability and persistence of the resistive random-access memory devices will be the fundamental challenges for its future development.


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