  • 學位論文


A Study of the Transfer of Knowledge among Liaison Officers: The Case of Taiwan Municipal Government

指導教授 : 洪美仁


行政與立法部門彼此能夠協力合作的基礎,乃是奠基在良好的府會互動關係之上。對於行政機關而言,欲建構良好的府會關係,有賴於具備專業知識的府會聯絡人戮力經營和維繫。過去,針對有關的主題,雖然已經累積了不少的研究成果,然而,既有的討論多半欠缺組織層次的探討,故未能針對工作角色的轉換歷程和組織內部的知識轉移情形,提供較詳盡的觀察及描述。因此,本文企圖回答的研究問題便是,新接任府會聯絡工作的新人,在熟悉新的工作角色,接手並適應新工作的過程當中,組織內部的知識轉移情形為何? 為了解答上述的問題,本文深度訪談了我國6個直轄市政府的29位府會聯絡人,並配合質性資料的分析方法,共得到3個主要的研究結果和發現。首先,不論接任府會聯絡工作的原因為何,於初接任的工作情境之下,個人將會較關切跨科室的業務權責、議事環境和規則以及議員習性和風格等3種知識內容。雖然個人對於特定知識的需求程度,會因為過往的工作經驗而有所不同,但是,知識需求的滿足,攸關府會聯絡人是否能稱職地表現出應有的工作行為和態度。其次,為了滿足個人的知識需求,直轄市府與各局處均透過各種不同的方式和管道,像是書面資料的發放、歷年資料的彙整、集體會議的召開,餐敘活動的舉辦,或是機關首長的立場表達,將府會聯絡工作的工作要求、團隊精神、議事規則、議員的習性風格等知識內容,傳遞給府會聯絡人。其中,組織提供特定知識內容的方式,並未有固定的模式,且其採取的策略也較鼓勵個人從事角色創新。最後,除了被動地接受知識之外,個人也會主動地去搜集有用的知識內容。有關的知識主要包含了工作慣例與熟悉議會與議員等2大部分。透過前、後任府會聯絡人,或是其他局處府會聯絡人之間的口頭提醒、師徒帶領、故事分享、實地觀察或是行動學習等方式,個人不僅可以獲取與工作有關的外顯知識,更能夠習得特定的默會知識,使之工作態度與表現均呈現較為正面的傾向。值得一提的是,本文發現,組織內部的知識轉移,未必會受到組織外部的政治環境所影響;相對來說,組織內部的制度環境或是知識特性,將是更為關鍵的影響因素。 總的來說,於我國直轄市政府之中,初次接任府會聯絡工作的新人,是有機會從各種不同的知識來源,以多元的知識轉移方式,獲取有關的知識內容,並得以在綜合評估所屬機關的環境脈絡之後,選擇適切的行動策略,維繫市府與議會之間的互動關係。惟行政機關仍應建構良好的制度環境與團隊氛圍,以確保組織內知識轉移的發生。


Whether special municipal governments and councils have a cooperative relationship has impacts on the effectiveness of local governments in Taiwan. For building up the harmonious relationship between governments and councils, according to previous research findings, liaison officers, who are the agent of the executive and frequently interact with the legislators, must be informed and competent. Although liaison officers play an important role in the government-council relationship, few shows how civil servants who are to be liaison officers acquire explicit and tacit knowledge in the workplace as their work roles are transformed. Little do we know about the transfer of knowledge between novices and veterans. This thesis aims to fill this research void. In order to depict how knowledge transfers among liaison officers in special municipal governments, qualitative research method was adopted. On the narrative texts of 29 interviewed liaison officers in six special municipality administrations, including Taipei City, New Taipei City, Tau Yuan City, Taichung City, Tainan City and Kaohsiung City, three main points were found. First of all, novices have compelling needs of intelligence as undergoing work-role transition. Second, as a kind of knowledge resource, special municipalities not only store knowledge accumulated from past experiences, but also offer remarkable insights and shared values to the novice through documents, interviewing, and social interactions. Thanks to the efforts made by special municipalities, the novice could gain the know-how about the liaison work. Last but not least, the novice would actively enhance their understanding about the role of liaison officers in different ways. Ex-serving officers, veterans or co-workers were available knowledge resources for the novice. And the practical wisdom could be caught by others in informal mentor-protégé program, or in the network of gossip-exchanging. Due to the access to various knowledge resources, most interviewees have the positive attitude toward the job. What is worth to be mentioned is that the obstacle in the way of knowledge transfers would not be the change of ruling party, but the lack of social networking and the nature of knowledge. In sum, the empirical findings tell that there are the diversity patterns of knowledge transfers among liaison officers in Taiwan special municipal governments. If knowledge transfers among them were vital for government effectiveness, creating the incentive of knowledge sharing and instilling the culture of team would be indispensable mission for leaders in the executive sectors.


