  • 學位論文


Bank merger case study- Citibank and Bank of Overseas Chinese case study

指導教授 : 劉啟群


自1990年代開始,為了配合我國經濟的成長,政府遂積極推動金融自由化的政策,在陸續開放新銀行的設立後,國內銀行數目在短短幾年之內倍增到四十餘家之多,由於新銀行的蓬勃發展,我國的金融環境逐漸有了過度金融(overbanking)的現象。新銀行為了爭搶客源與擴展業務,多半選擇調降放款利率並放寬授信標準,如此一來,不僅導致了銀行間的惡性競爭,而且使得整體銀行業的獲利能力不斷下滑、逾放比節節攀升,許多基層金融機構在大環境不利的因素下淪為弊病叢生的問題金融機構。為了解決於金融產業的結構性問題,政府於是著手推動一連串的金融改革,亦主導了多次基層金融的整併,也因此造就我國一波銀行併購的高峰。而後為了因應加入世界貿易組織後,來自國外金融業者的威脅,我國於2001年7月通過「金融控股公司法」,試圖藉由金控公司的成立來幫助金融業者達到規模經濟與範疇經濟的效果,以提升我國的金融實力。「金融控股公司法」正式實施後,國內金融業者紛紛轉型為金融控股公司,也順勢帶動新一波的銀行併購熱潮。在金融機構大型化的趨勢下,銀行大者恆大的態勢日益明顯,大部份銀行不是走向被金控整併一途,就是面臨被邊緣化的危機,因此許多非金控體系的銀行為了突破困境,紛紛以併購的方式來擴張營運規模、穩固市佔率,因此併購策略的應用在我國銀行未來的發展藍圖上亦更顯重要了。 為了對我國銀行的併購歷程有一完整的認識與了解,本研究以我國第一家外商銀行「花旗銀行」與第一家民營銀行「華僑銀行」間的併購案作為研究對象,並以文獻分析法與個案研究法針對花旗併購僑銀的過程與結果作深入的分析與探討,研究得出「金融併購首重排除政治風險」、「強勢領導有助提升併購成功的機會」、「員工士氣高低將是未來致勝的關鍵」等三項結論,盼能藉由研究中所得的結果與發現,帶給後進讀者正面的幫助與啟發。


In 1979, in order to keep path with the rapid economic growth, Taiwan government decided to lift the ban of setting up new banks. After the release, the number of local banks doubled in just few years and made the banking industry suffer from overbanking and excessive competition. In 1980s, the profit margin of banking industry continued to decrease while the NPL rate increased over time. This situation turned into severe financial crises at last and forced Taiwan government to launch a series of financial reforms. Besides helping to reduce the NPL rate, the government also encouraged local banks to merger with each other to mitigate the overbanking phenomenon and all the efforts leaded to the first merger wave in Taiwan. Afterwards, with a view to competing with the world-class financial institutions after joining WTO, Taiwan authorities enacted the Financial Holding Company act in 2001 to encourage local financial institutions to transform into Financial Holding Company. By providing Financial Holding Company with lots of benefits, Taiwan government aimed to enhance the overall competitiveness of the Financial Holding Company through the effects of economies of scale and the economies of scope. With the rise of Financial Holding Company, it resulted in another merger wave in Taiwan. Under the trend of financial mergers, most banks face the threat of either becoming a subsidiary of Financial Holding Company or getting marginalized. Therefore, for Taiwan banking industry, understand the application of merger strategy is getting more important. With an aim to have a comprehensive understanding of bank merge r in Taiwan, this research looks into the merger case of Citibank Taipei NA Branch and Bank of Overseas Chinese and employs the archive study method and the case study method to analyze their merger strategies and examine the merger process and evaluate its effects.


Citibank NA BOOC Citibank (Taiwan) limited Merger Synergy


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