  • 學位論文


The Possibility of Community Development of Conservation and Utilization of Industrial Heritage in Modernization: Taking the Regions of Omuta and Arao for Example

指導教授 : 馬耀輝


本研究旨在考察日本近代化產業遺產的保存活用之動向,以橫跨福岡縣和熊本縣的大 牟田・荒尾地區為研究案例,探討當地近代化產業遺產保存活用之歷程,背景以及保存現 狀,並著眼於參與保存活用的民間團體和行政組織,在這過程中各自擔負了什麼樣的功能 和角色,以及分析有無帶給當地什麼樣的影響。 該地區在近代化產業遺產保存運動的初期,大牟田市和荒尾市透過指定文化財制度, 先後將明治時代建造的萬田坑和宮原坑等設施指定為「重要文化財」和「史跡」,並以直 接收購的方式將其保存下來。而兩市也在 90 年代末期開始,在觀光以及文化領域的市政上, 將近代化產業遺產的保存活用納入施政的方針。 另一方面,在 2000 年的前後,以市民為主體性的團體開始投注心力在保存活用的運動上。爾後,隨著關心近代化產業遺產的市民團體相繼出現,活用的手法也更變得更加多元 豐富。 而關於保存活用的運動有無帶給當地的影響,以現在的時間點來看,尚未有明顯的經 濟效益。但隨著市民對近代化產業遺產認識度的提高,認為石炭相關的事物是值得自豪的 比例也跟提升。再者,過去以採炭為目的所興建的建築物設施,雖然其原本的功能已經喪 失,但透過各種各業的活用手法,例如使其成為教育學習的場地,音樂會的場所,或是舉 辦藝術活動的地點等等。由此可知,即使失去了最初的機能,但運用智慧加以活化後,即 有可能賦與其新的生命力。不過對於商店街仍持續空洞化的這地區而言,經濟效益也是不 可忽視的ㄧ環。今後如何向市內外的人宣傳,如何整備觀光體制等等,都是政府機關和民 間團體所必須思考和面對的課題。


This study aims to investigate the trends of conservation and utilization of industrial heritage in Japan's modernization, through the case study of the regions of Omuta and Arao across Fukuoka Prefecture and Kumamoto Prefecture, to explore the course, background, and maintenance of conservation and utilization of industrial heritage in modernization. Also, this study focuses on the roles and functions of the civic groups and administrative organizations participating in conservation and utilization in this course and what kind of impact there is on the regions is analyzed. In the initial stage of the industrial heritage preservation movement in modernization, for Omuta City and Arao City, by the system specifying cultural property, the facilities constructed in the Meiji period, such as Manda Pit and Miyahara Pit, were designated as "important cultural properties" and "historical sites," to be preserved by direct acquisition. Since the late 1990s, on the municipal administration of sightseeing and cultural fields in the two cities, the conservation and utilization of industrial heritage in modernization is included into the approach to governance. On the other hand, in the period before and after 2000, the groups of citizens devoted themselves to the conservation and utilization movement. Then, with the emerging of the citizen's groups concerning about the modernization of industrial heritage, the utilization approaches have become more diverse and richer. In terms of the effects of the conservation and utilization movement on the regions, there haven’t any obvious economic benefits currently. However, with the improvement of citizens’ understanding on the modernization of industrial heritage, the proportion that the citizens are proud of the charcoal-related things has been also promoted. Furthermore, although the original functions of the building facilities constructed for the purpose of mining charcoal in the past have been lost, these buildings have become education learning space, concert venues, and art event venues through the utilization practices of various industries It can be seen, even the original functions are lost, it is possible to endow new vitality to the regions in the use of wisdom and activation. However, regarding the continuous hollowing-out of the shopping streets in the regions, economic benefits are the point which cannot be ignored. From now on, how to propagate to the people in the cities and outside and how to prepare sightseeing systems are the issues that the government agencies and civic groups must think about and face with.


(一) 単行本
1. 奈賀悟(1997)『閉山』、東京:岩波書店
2. 日本産業遺産研究会・文化庁歷史的建造物調査研究会(1998)『建物ソ見方・ウヘト方 近代産業遺産』、東京:ゐブよオゆ
3. 田村明(1999)『ネグゴゑベソ実践』、東京:岩波書店
