  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Consumer Services and Return Policies - An Example from Company X

指導教授 : 蔡政言


隨著塗料市場的興盛發展,塗料業者也紛紛推出各種促銷活動,而同時良好的顧客售後服務,亦是重要考慮購買與否的關鍵,同時退貨服務良莠將決定顧客是否會再次購物的關鍵因素。良好的退貨服務,可提升顧客滿意度,進而增加業者本身的競爭優勢。因此,建立一套有效的退貨服務,將會是企業維持競爭力的重要議題,在此競爭愈趨激烈的經營環境下,愈來愈多的公司重視以此作為服務差異化的策略。因此,如何運用顧客關係管理,達到補救預應策略,乃為業者應深入研究的重大議題。 有鑑於X公司自2013年起每年之退貨量居高不下,公司每年需花費許多人力和財力來處理退貨,公司成本高漲(包含退貨運費及報廢等費用之增加)。X公司運用顧客關係管理分析及採用服務創新策略,得到以下成效:(1)透過顧客關係管理改善公司與廠商間的關係;(2)透過服務創新的流程改善,與顧客維持長期穩固的關係;(3)協助廠商落實通路庫存管理與監控。同時達成降低非公司錯誤造成及產品停產回收之月平均退貨金額之目標。


With the flourishing development of the coatings market, coating industry have launched various promotional activities. At the same time, good customer service is also the key to consider whether purchase or not, and return services are the key factor whether the customer will shop again. The good return will enhance customer satisfaction, thus increasing the competitive advantage of the industry itself. Therefore, it is an important issue to set up an effective return will help industry to maintain the competitiveness of enterprises. In this keen competition among the business environment, more and more attention to the company as a service differentiation strategy. Therefore, how to use customer relationship management to reach pre-remediation strategies for the industry is the major issue to be further studied. Since 2013, the annual return volume are very high of company X. The company X takes a lot of human and financial resources every year to deal with the return, the soaring cost of the company (increase the return freight and other costs to include scrap). Besides, Company X using customer relationship management analysis and the use of service innovation strategy, the following results: (1) improve the relationship between companies and between companies through customer relationship management; (2) improvement through service innovation process, to maintain long-term stable relationships with customers; (3) to help manufacturers implement channel inventory management and monitoring. While achieving reduced an error not caused by corporate and product recovery discontinued monthly average return of the target amount.


邱文宏、紀慧如、朱立聖、張元杰、張益彰、張碧如(2012)。以醫學倫理與顧客價值觀點探討醫院產業服務創新價值創造之演進,管理學報,29(5),489 – 512。
