  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study of Branding through Transmedia Storytelling: Case Studies of “Morewater” and “peacock biscuit”

指導教授 : 黃振家


由於媒體環境的改變,消費者媒體使用行為也跟著轉變。而近年來廣告產業也興起原生廣告、品牌內容與娛樂等新的廣告傳播方式,試圖結合娛樂與廣告,並認為消費者無法察覺出宣傳意圖的廣告,是最成功的行銷方式。 因此,透過在各個媒體平台提供多元的故事,使消費者接觸並投入的串媒體說故事,是值得探討的主題。然而,台灣並無以本土品牌作為案例的串媒體說故事研究,所以本研究以在台執行的品牌案例,試圖提供學術界與產業界瞭解串媒體說故事在品牌打造上的方式與特質,並希望往後有更多與串媒體說故事相關的品牌研究與案例。 本研究欲探討串媒體說故事在品牌打造上說什麼故事、如何說故事及故事背後的深層意涵,故先採取敘事分析法分析,而後再以深度訪談法,透過訪談消費者,來瞭解對消費者而言,串媒體說故事吸引人的因素,以及投入串媒體說故事的消費者,其發生心流體驗的原因及狀態。 本研究發現,串媒體說故事在品牌打造上之所以能與消費者建立關係,可分為故事、媒體、消費者三方面進行討論。故事面,講述「人」相關的故事,特別是品牌與消費者的故事;媒體面,透過各個不同的媒體建立故事世界的過程,來與消費者進行深度與廣度的溝通;消費者面,讓消費者成為創作者,參與並影響品牌故事。


The media environment is changing and forcing consumers to change their media usage behavior. For the past few years, advertising industry were springing up native advertising, branded content and branded entertainment, new forms of advertising communication, trying to combine entertainment and advertising. If consumers don't think the purpose of advertising, that is the most successful way of marketing. Through the different stories across the different media platforms, transmedia storytelling is a valuable theme to enabling consumers to contact and engage. There are no Taiwan brands as case studies of transmedia storytelling, so this study trying to provide academia and industry to understand how to branding through transmedia storytelling, and more stories and cases. This study used narrative analysis to analyze branding through transmedia storytelling what to say, how to say, and why to say. And then the depth interviews to consumers are used to understand attractive factors of transmedia storytelling and the states and the reasons of consumers' flow experience. This study found that stories, media, and consumers makes branding through transmedia storytelling have a relationship with consumers. Telling a story about people, especially the story of brand and consumers. Building a story world through across media to communicate depth and width with consumers. Consumers become creators, engage and influence the brand story.


transmedia storytelling branding flow experience


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