  • 學位論文


The Association of Corporate Social Responsibility, Financial Performance and Competitiveness: The Evidence of Taiwan

指導教授 : 葉金成




This paper examines whether CSR performance is positively related to financial performance and competitiveness among Taiwanese firms with good CSR performance. The sample comprised Top 50 winners of Excellence in CSR Award given by CommonWealth Magazine from 2007 to 2012. Using the four dimensions of CSR as CSR indices, ROA and ROE as financial performance indices, and VAIC and MV/BV as competitiveness indices, this study assessed how CSR is related to financial performance and competitiveness through regression analysis. Further, this study divided the sample by CSR score into high score and low score groups to examine whether firms in the high score group were superior to those in the low score group in terms of financial performance and competitiveness. In addition, observe the pre-and post-evaluation of corporate social responsibility competitive relationship. The main findings of this study are as follows: (1) In the entire sample, CSR is significantly and positively related to financial performance but not significantly related to competitiveness; (2) Among the four dimensions of CSR, corporate governance has a positive relation to both financial performance and competitiveness, and environmental protection has a negative relation to both financial performance and competiveness. This result suggests that corporate governance is helpful for financial performance and long-term competitiveness, and investment in environmental protection which will result in an increase in operational cost is disadvantageous to firm value; (3) Further analysis of the sample divided by overall CSR score into two groups suggests that high CSR score has a significant and positive effect on only ROE; (4) Among the four dimensions of CSR, social participation has a significantly positive effect on financial performance and competitiveness for firms in the high CSR group; corporate governance has a significantly positive effect on financial performance and competitiveness for firms in the low CSR group; environmental protection has a significantly negative effect on financial performance and competitiveness for both groups of firms.


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