  • 學位論文


EU’s Arms Embargo Against China and It’s Impact on Taiwan’s Military Security.

指導教授 : 郭秋慶


歐盟中國武器禁運政策,源起於1989年6月4日,中國以武力鎮壓北京天安門廣場上為爭取民主運動的群眾的「六四天安門事件」。美國與歐盟等基於人權價值考量,除了停止與中國的經貿往來,並採取對中國的武器禁運,希望透過國際制度規範,促使中國在人權價值上努力達到普世標準。 隨著冷戰結束等國際戰略環境已發生變化,歐盟實施了14年的中國武器禁運措施,在其部分成員國如法國、德國等,基於國家政、經利益的因素,提出解除中國武器禁運的倡議。但是,反對者認為中國在人權維護上仍未達到普世值標準,加之武器禁運措施期間,仍可直接自歐盟成員國獲得非致命性武器,同時還從俄羅斯進口先進武器裝備與技術,若一旦武器禁運解除,歐盟擴大出售武器給中國,除了給中國傳達錯誤訊息外,更加速中國軍事現代化腳步,影響亞太區域軍力的平衡與臺海的安全。 本文係以新現實主義理論為研究途徑,從國家利益、權力平衡、權力分配決定國際體系運作與國家對外關係等觀點的視角,研究歐盟是否解除中國武器禁運,對臺灣軍事安全可能的影響。盱衡歐盟是否解除中國武器禁運政策的自變項,透過歐盟合作機制,成員國是否獲利更多,更是否會影響國際多邊合作態勢,其可能造成中國軍力增長的依變項,成為地區的霸權,對全球與區域安全的衝擊。對此我國基於國家利益,採取因應的防護作為,再則透過國際合作,使亞太區域達到權力平衡,有利我國安全建構的目的。


The European Union imposed the arms embargo against China that was originated in June 4 1989 when PRC used forces to suppress the Tiananmen Square in Beijing for the pro-democracy movement of the masses, known as the "Tiananmen Square protests of 1989". Based on the value of the human rights, the United States of America and the European Union suspended mutual trades and adopted the arms embargo against China. They hoped, through the norms of international institutions, to promote human rights in China on the value of efforts to achieve universal standards. While the international strategic environment has changed after the end of the Cold War, some of EU members such as France and Germany, and the others based on each national political and economic interests, proposed the lifting of the arms embargo against China that the European Union has implemented for 14 years. However, the opponents argued that the conditions of human rights in China have not yet been in accordance with the standards of universal value. Moreover, during the period of EU’s arms embargo, China can not only directly acquire non-lethal weapons from some EU members; meanwhile, but also import advanced weapons equipments and technology of weapons system from Russia. Once the arms embargo against China is lifted, EU will export weapons to China, which means not only sending the wrong message to China regarding its conditions of human rights, but also accelerating the pace of China's military modernization. That will impact the balance of Asia-Pacific regional military power balance and the security of the Taiwan Strait. With the study approaches of neo-realism, such as national interests, the balance of power, the distribution of power in the international system and states for external relations, this article is a to study whether or not EU lifts arms embargo and its possible impact on Taiwan’s Military Security. Examining the variable of lifting the arms embargo against China, EU members are more profitable through the cooperation of decision mechanism, or affect the posture of international multilateral cooperation, which may result in the dependent variable that China would build up military power or become a regional hegemony. Its impact could bring about the destabilization of the world and the region. Hence, our country should take protective measures based on the building of national interests, and then cooperate with international institutions in order to achieve the balance of power in the Asia-Pacific region that is conducive to reach the goal of architecture of our national security.




Darbas, L. C. C. (2011). 法國對「歐盟對中武器解禁」政策之研究 (2003至2010) [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2011.02246
