  • 學位論文


Taiwan's cartoon censorship phenomenon and to domestic cartoon development influence research

指導教授 : 馬銘浩




漫畫 審查 現象研究


The development of computer and visual media, let the modern people in the news transmission, the narrative performance, the creation way, no longer take the traditional writing form as the mainstream.  Here more concrete performance ability, the changeable application way, the extended recipient masses and the far-reaching disseminated function, penetrate unceasing complement each other, causes the picture, image and so on the non-writing carrier existence and due the value, has gradually obtained the current social impartial affirmation.  Opposite to acousto-optic science and technology of the movie, television, animation, computer game huge costs, the strip cartoon does not need to consume a good deal of manpower and the resources, therefore follows the objective environment evolution, becomes one kind of superiority, has height productive efficiency, the penetrability, the influence and the creation expression force carrier form.  But while the cartoon industry is the axis of Japan, to promote overall culture, economy, knowledge, entertainment, education and so on each item develops, the 40's once achieved the prosperous Taiwan cartoon industry at present nearly lacks the promotion ability, at present only to be Japan's dependency.  By 1962 counseling means, as the beginning, lasted 25 years “the cartoon censorship”, brain drain, the excessively competition, lots of pirated, the style tends to Japan to melt and so on the influence is without a doubt, intense impact domestic cartoon industry inside and outside structure.  In other words, at present the local cartoon performance slump and Taiwan society has not followed the time footsteps the reason, actually is in this long time control image narrative process, let the talented persons use image system unable the acquire should have receives attendance and cultivated.  In view of this, this article obtains from the cartoon definition and the localization question attempts to race to the source, after return to original state image narrative foundation value, further understands profile of the censorship, the vein, the flaw, the motive and the influence. And compares 2004 year's end Government Information Office to carry out compares the fit and unfit quality success and failure.


Comic Censorship The phenomenon studies


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周文鵬(2014)。圖像載體的敘事與接受 ── 論臺灣漫畫文學的形成及創作〔博士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2014.00770
