  • 學位論文


Logistic’s role in the Construction of a Global Logistic Center

指導教授 : 李培齊


由於全球化與自由化的盛行,使得區域經濟整合成為世界各國從事貿易合作的趨勢,有效運用全球資源及製造高客製化商品,並準時送達客戶成為企業界生存的首要之務。企業產銷及配送體制面臨顛覆性變革,跨國企業於海外據點建構生產線及配銷體系已是必然之趨勢。目前,台灣產業已面臨轉型升級的關鍵時刻,台灣必須提升企業之國際競爭力,並建構一個永續發展的環境。政府於2000年推動台灣為「全球運籌中心」計畫,期營造企業良好之供應鏈運作環境,使世界各國的經貿活動,無論是產品的供應、下單、運輸、銷售,都能快速、便捷的在運籌中心完成,協助企業朝高附加價值產品及價值鏈上游部分發展,以增加其最大之經濟附加價值,支援企業全球生產佈局,鼓勵台商及國際跨國公司樂於將台灣作為其全球運籌的主要基地。 本研究以二個案公司為研究對象,利用訪談的方式,探討分析政府在籌劃成為自由貿易港區,以建立台灣為全球運籌中心時,物流業所扮演之角色與具備的條件,並比較鄰近國家與目前我國「自由貿易港區」設置現況之優劣勢及其未來之發展。 研究結論顯示台灣俱備最佳之地理位置,擁有最完整的全球高科技產業之供應鏈,適合發展為自由貿易港及兼具研發、倉儲、通路、物流、服務、金融、品牌、行銷、資金調度等完善功能之全球運籌中心。對於台灣物流業而言,未來應秉持「貨暢其流」的原則,透過現代化與國際化的推動,以大幅提昇台灣整體物流體系的營運績效與服務品質,進而達到「全球化物流」(Globalized Logistics)的目標,促使台灣產業與國際營運夥伴間的供需配送得以順暢地交流,進一步使台灣成為一最重要全球的物流運籌中心。


Due to the prevailing of globalization and liberalization, integrated area economic operation becomes the trend of all trading corporations. For an enterprise to be able to survive, effective application of global resources and customized manufacturing merchandises, as well as on-time delivery are the most important missions. To cope with the rapid change of production, marketing, and dispatching system, it is necessary for multi-nation enterprises set up their production line and dispatching system at an oversea base. Taiwanese industries currently confront a critical moment of reformation and upgrading. Taiwan government should strengthen her international competition advantage and construct an environment beneficial for the long-term development of Taiwanese industries. In the Year of 2000, the government initiated a plan to propel Taiwan to be a “Global Logistic Center” that would create a suitable supply-chain application environment for enterprises. Under the established environment, all the economic trading activities from all over the world can be rapidly , conveniently achieved in the Logistic Center, be it for product supplying, ordering, transporting, and selling. The project would also assist industries to develop their high value-added goods which are found in the upper value-chain so as to maximize their economic value, support them for their overall arrangement of global production, and encourage Taiwanese enterprises and Multinational corporations to be willing to take Taiwan as a major base for a Global Logistic Center. This thesis used the case study method and took two companies as the research target. Through interviewing key managers who are responsible for global logistics operations, this study tries to analyze the government’s preparation of setting up Taiwan as a Free Port so as to facilitate the island to be a global logistic center. Furthermore, the current environmental conditions and what role corporations in the logistics field should play are also discussed in the thesis. Finally, Taiwan’s present situations and advantages and those of near-by prospecting countries are compared. The conclusion shows that Taiwan is located at an advantageous geographic position and has access to a fully developed supply-chain of global high tech industries that make it suitable to be a Free Post and Global Logistic Center. The center could provide functions of research and development, storage, channel, logistics, service, finance, branding, marketing and capital dispatch. As for the Taiwanese logistics industry, it should hold on to the principal of “Free Trading” through modernization and internationalization in the future. They should also improve the operational performance and service quality of the whole Taiwanese logistics system to achieve the goal of “Globalized Logistics” and make the supply-demand dispatch exchanged smoothly among Taiwanese industries and their international partners. By accomplishing these objectives, Taiwan would further become the most important global logistics center in the world.


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