  • 學位論文


Development and Evaluation of the Website for Improving Metacognition for College Students

指導教授 : 沈俊毅


本研究依據網路化後設認知教學設計原則,設計並建置大學生適用之促進後設認知能力的學習網站,並以淡江大學97學年度第2學期某科系二、三年級學生為研究對象,旨在探討後設認知能力學習網站的設計與研發之歷程,分析大學生使用後設認知能力學習網站之後的成效,並瞭解學業表現與後設認知能力之關聯性,進而根據研究結果,提出相關建議,以供作教師提升學生學科學習成效的輔助教材或共同學科的補充教材以及未來研究者之參考。本研究採準實驗法的前後測控制組實驗設計,立意取樣為實驗組與控制組,實驗組接受每週一次,每次30分鐘,共計四週的線上學習課程,控制組則不予任何實驗處理。以自編之「後設認知能力評量表」進行評量,再以學習動機為控制變項,所得資料以t考驗及單因子共變數統計分析進行處理,研究結果發現: 1.在T檢定下,兩組在後設認知能力得分差異比較上,只有實驗組的後設認知能力的差異達顯著水準,控制組則未達顯著差異。在共變數分析中,受試者的學習動機與前測分數對後測分數之差異比較已達顯著水準,但為最小顯著差異,經成對比較及單變量檢定結果發現兩組在後設認知能力得分差異比較上未達顯著水準。 2.在T檢定下,實驗組在後設認知各分量表得分差異比較上,自我計劃及自我監控等成份能力之差異達顯著水準,自我調整成份能力之差異為邊緣顯著,自我評鑑成份能力則雖有提升但未達顯著。在共變數分析中,兩組在自我計劃成份能力差異達顯著,其他三項雖有提升但均未達顯著水準。 3.實驗組的學科分數與後設認知後測得分數之相關分析,結果顯示兩者無相關。 根據研發促進後設認知能力學習網站之歷程探討以及實驗考驗分析等發現,本研究獲致以下結論: 一、大學生使用後設認知學習網站可以提升後設認知能力 二、網路化後設認知教學設計原則對於網路教材的開發具有參考價值。 三、運用後設認知策略工具可以有效學習後設認知 四、大學生的後設認知能力可以透過融入後設認知策略的網路化訓練方式予以強化。 根據研究結論及實驗成果,對後設認知網路教材的設計與應用提出建議,以供參考。


The study is applying the instructional principles for metacognition to build a college students’ e-learning website in order to improving metacognition skills. The subjects of the study were the University students from second semester in 2009 in a private University. The purpose of this study is to review the design stages of the e-learning website and survey the effect of the e-learning website for college students’ learning, and understand the relationship between their performances on course and metacognition skills. Furthermore, according to the outcomes of the survey, this study submits some suggestions for reference in assistance material of teaching or in supplyment material of commom courses and in future’s researches. A “pretest-posttest control group design” was employed to assign university students intentionally into an experimental group. Then only the experimental group was exposed to the online learning website for thirty minutes per session, and there were one session per week for four weeks. This research employed an evaluation test of metacognition skills to evaluate college students in both groups. All data collected were analyzed by the method of T test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson product-moment correlation. The outcomes are as follow: 1.The result shows significant positive transformation in the metacognition skills of the experimental group, and inconclusive in the control group by T test. There is a significant positive transformation in the student’s motivation and metacognition skills by one-way ANOVA, but there is no modulation since the least significant positive difference. After pairs comparison test, it shows inconclusive transformation in the metacognition skills between the groups. 2.There are also significant differences in the self-planning and self-controlling components of metacognition skills from the groups by T test. There is a approximately significant difference in the self-regulating component,but no significant difference in the self-evaluating component between the groups. By one-way ANOVA, it shows a positive transformation in the self-planning, the others show no significance in progress. 3.There is no significant positive correlation between the students’study performances and metacognition skills from the experimental group. Based on the findings from this experimental testing and analyzing, they were summarized as follows: 1.The e-learning website for improving metacognition has been proved to improve student’s metacognition skills. 2.The principles of instructional design for improving metacognition are valuable for developing e-learning web-based materials. 3.It is effective in improving metacognition skills by manipulating a few of metacognitive strategies and implements. 4.The metacongintion skills of college students can be strengthened and trained by the web-based instruction, which is integrated with the metacognitive learning strategies. In accordance with the findings of this research and comprehension during the construction process of the website, this study provides suggestions as references for the design and applying of e-learning web-based materials.




