  • 學位論文


Space In Between : Senses, Memories, and Privacy

指導教授 : 劉綺文


本論文著重「空間的中介」,其意指的是「空間環境再詮釋的態度與觀點」,是屬於「動詞」的用法。研究目的在於重新檢視分類/歸類之間的參差及謬誤,強調以找出環境中囿於習慣,被視而不見的中介為空間再詮釋的方法。透過建築類型學、環境心理學、場所精神、社會文化以及現象學的相關理論研究,考察當前環境被錯用的現象。本論文企圖在現代都市的公共空間裡面,藉中介的觀察來詮釋與再現環境意義。討論程序與範圍主要依循下面三個主題: 一、「感知」:強調以個人身體在環境裡面的位置為出發點,尋找提供或提示(cues)有意義的空間環境,並增加感應知覺自然及人文環境現象的機會。 二、「記憶」:藉意義的再發現來擴展空間的使用可能;從時間的向度,也就是歷史新舊變遷的過程中,消長及更替的記憶裡面尋找空間的中介。 三、「私密性」:討論公共裡面的私密空間以及交流的環境介面;思考因應環境需求及認知差異延伸出來的個體/個人空間在群體社會的私密性趨勢與衝突。 本研究以二二八和平紀念公園(新公園)為基地,這是在台北城市的發展歷程中,最具歷史性的核心公共空間之一。本研究企圖透過公園歷史變遷痕跡的「涵構疊圖」以及現況人文生活的現象觀察,討論以下由空間的中介所衍生的設計議題:「邊界」、「半固定設施」、「媒介物」、「指向引導」、「重疊」、「週期」與「再現」。設計策略以轉計畫、跨計畫及非計畫為規劃的思考方向,輔以時間向度的意涵再現,企圖聯結起中介的人與空間、時間及活動的關係。目的在於試圖梳理新公園裡面被切割及片斷化的自然、人文、政治、歷史條件,以描繪出一個提供更豐富環境感知可能性,又能兼容歷史與現況生活記憶的新「新公園」。


The thesis stresses the “space in between” which means the attitude and aspects of the re-interpretation for the environment. The focus is emphasized on identifying space in between that is often disregarded by us due to habits. Through reviewing theories related to architectural typology, environmental psychology, genius loci, culture and society, and phenomenology, this study is intended to discuss the interpreted meanings of contemporary public spaces. The focus of the thesis includes the followings: 1.Sense: The design is based on the individual bodily perspectives, providing and suggesting cues that are meaningful in the environment, and enhancing sensory stimulation as well as opportunities for re-presenting the cultural environment. 2.Memory: The design is intended to re-discover the usability of the environment, particularly in between-ness regarding the process of temporal, historical changes. 3.Privacy: The between-ness and communication between public and private realms are discussed, focusing on the variations and conflicts derived from cognitive differences, as well as the individual needs in the public. The site for study in this thesis covers the 228 peace park. By looking into the historical transitions and their contextual changes, as well as current socio-cultural lives, possibilities of between-ness in spaces are proposed, including “boundary”, “half-fixed facilities”, “medium materials”, “direction & guide”, “superimpose”, “a cycle”, and “representation”. The strategies of design are developed to build up connections between the human beings, space, time, and activities in the environments. These include (1) trans-programming, cross-programming, and non-programming. (2) memorial representation of time. The design projects demonstrate the re-organization of segmented nature, social and political world, and historical interpretations. They are intended to provide a new sense of the “New Park” that contains rich array of sensory stimulation for perception and an inclusive ambience for history and contemporary daily life.


Alexander, Chistopher
Bachelard, Gaston (加斯東•巴舍拉)
Baudrillard, Jean(尚•布希亞)
Berger, John
Bergson, Henri (亨利•柏格森)


趙珮華(2010)。當代城市空間遊牧者 - 創意市集的公共地誌〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2010.00543
