  • 學位論文


Urban Space Design of City and Campus Interface Based on the forum in front of NTUT design building as an example.

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


都會型校園即為都市中的開放空間,對社會與民眾開放,也承載了都市活動與社會教育的公共性責任;台北科技大學坐落光華區段中心,交通系統、文教、商業空間交疊,都市活動密集而豐富,校園西南隅新生南路之側門更因捷運忠孝新生站之故,市民、師生與外賓來往交通頻繁,成為了校園與都市間之最主要連通管道。因此本設計案以台北科技大學設計館前廣場為標的,運用誘導式結構(Heuristic Structure)之理論及操作機制,將「都市開放空間」作為校園與都市介面的想像,企圖打破兩者間之藩籬,以探求校園開放空間之轉化模式,並重新建構人與校園、都市環境間的共生關係。 本研究經由文獻探討並配合基地現況條件分析歸納出二十六項歸結,推論出五項設計概念:一、都市人流之悠遊角落;二、科技源自生態的漫遊導引路徑;三、校園與都市交會的教育市集;四、都市人文生態的友善介面;五、北科大生態探索之綠色大門。由以上五項推論推導出下列兩項設計空間情境,並將情境轉化為本設計案之空間規劃設計策略。 (一)水與綠的都會人文街角 (二)悠遊於生態的綠色縱谷


University is a small society based on “Education”, it is not only a functioning unit, and it is also a culture media of society, which should reveal its positive meaning to the essence of urban and cultural environment.A campus in urban area is for researches and an environment for professors and students, it is also a place for urban cultural education and activities. Urban campus is an open space to the public in the city, and it also bears the public responsibilities of urban activities and social education.Nowadays, there is a stone cold wall which separates the relations between campus and city due to the influence from past social development and campus design.This has caused lack of connection and communication between campus and urban environment, and it also isolates the campus from urban space. NTUT is located at a prosperous urban area, surrounded by mass transit, culture and education, and business. The urban activities are concentrated and abundant around it.The metro station “Zhongxiao Xinsheng Station”, a major passage between campus and city for the public, professors and students or visitors, locates at southwest side of the campus.Hence, this project is based at the forum in front of NTUT design building, using theory and manipulation of heuristic structure to build “Urban Open Space” based on the interface of urban and campus, attempting to break the wall in between in order to seek the transform pattern of campus opening space and to rebuild the mutual relations between people, campus and urban surroundings.


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