  • 學位論文


Slow Travel Market Analysis and the Relationships between Slow Travel Dimension, Transportation and Intention.

指導教授 : 溫裕弘 陳敦基


近年來,「慢遊(slow travel)」成為逐漸受到重視與推廣之新興旅遊型態概念,過去相關慢遊研究中,對於其定義、構面並未有明確與公認之定義,而較著重於遊客慢遊實際體驗的質化研究和遊客旅遊行為的研究,相關文獻在定義慢遊均提及慢遊與運具使用具密切關係,卻尚無有較深入具體的探討。目前也未針對個體行為、低碳運具及旅客意向之間之互動關係、交互作用作分析,而針對慢遊之市場分析、特性與市場區隔之研究,也較為闕如。 本研究針對慢遊進行定義分析並歸納其主要與次要要素,進而探討慢遊要素、運具因素與慢遊意向之關係,並建立慢遊市場結構與市場分析,利用紮根理論分析與歸納慢遊定義及構面,並建立慢遊的旅遊類型,再從需求面了解國人的「態度」、「主觀規範」、「知覺行為控制」和「低碳運具的認知」對慢遊行為意向的影響以及「低碳運具的認知」對於「態度」和「行為意向」與「主觀規範」和「行為意向」直接與間接的影響程度,本研究以大台北地區居民為訪問對象,實際共回收470份問卷。 研究結果顯示:(1)經由歸納慢遊的組成條件後,以NVivo8具體的歸納與定義出慢遊的5個必要因子與3個次要因子。(2)平時從事旅遊的頻率較高時,對於慢遊的意願較高;另外平常國內旅遊時,搭乘「大眾運輸工具」和平時國外旅遊時以自助式旅遊為主的族群,相對地他們對於從事慢遊行程的意願也較高。(3)高齡者有較大的可能去實際從事國內和國外慢遊,此年齡層在時間安排較自由、金錢的限制也較少,甚至更勇於嘗試不同的新事物(4)「態度」、「主觀規範」、「知覺行為控制」及「低碳運具的認知」對於「行為意向」有正面顯著關係,另外除了「知覺行為控制」對「低碳運具的認知」之間無顯著關係外,「態度」、「主觀規範」對於「低碳運具的認知」也都有正面顯著的影響。(5)「低碳運具的認知」對於「態度」與「行為意向」和「主觀規範」與「行為意向」之間具有部分中介關係的影響。


Slow travel has been one response of the tourism industry to climate change concerns. Slow travel provides such a concept, drawing on ideas from the “slow food”and “citta slow”movement with a concern for locality, ecology and quality of life. In recent years, slow travel has emerged as a topic of discussion in a number of academic, tourism sector and media contexts. In academia, slow travel, and associated terms such as slow tourism, slow mobility and soft mobility, has increasingly been associated with low-carbon travel. However, slow travel is still far from a clear concept. past studies focused on qualitative research on realistic experience of slow travel. This study attempts to define slow travel and analyzes dimensions and components of slow travel by using grounded theory. This study empirically examines the impacts of low-carbon transport mode on slow travel behavior intensions, and analyzes the relationships among slow travel dimensions, low-carbon transport mode, and behavior intension. Based on grounded theory analysis, key factors and secondary factors of slow travel dimensions are identified. This study integrated Dickinson’s three dimensions of slow travel with theory of planned behavior (TPB), and proposed the relationship framework for slow travel behavior intension. The relationships proposed in the framework are tested using structural equation modeling. The moderate effect of low-carbon mode is also tested. This study conducted a survey to collect data for testing the proposed model used to assess the impacts of low-carbon mode on slow travel dimensions and slow travel behavior intensions. Responses were on a five-point Likert scale, analysis was carried out using SPSS version 17.0 for Windows and the AMOS statistical package. Most questionnaires were administered face-to-face to 536respondents in Taipei City and New-Taipei City residents during March and April of 2013. In total, 470 usable and complete responses were obtained for an overall response rate of 87.7%. Analytical results demonstrated that slow travel attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavior control, and low-carbon mode cognition all have positive influences on behavior intension, as well as slow travel attitude and subjective norm both can have a direct influence on behavior intension, and an indirect influence through low-carbon mode cognition. In other words, the moderate effect of low-carbon mode cognition between slow travel attitude, subjective norm and behavior intensions was also been examined. This study deduces information for slow travel academia about what the working definitions of slow travel, and what are impacts of low-carbon mode on slow travel dimensions and behavior intension.


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