  • 學位論文


The Relation of Economic and Trading between EU-Mexico - The Influence of Free Trade Agreement

指導教授 : 曾秀珍
共同指導教授 : 卓忠宏


在全球化的發展下,世界的經貿趨勢逐漸的在以歐盟、北美與亞太地區為主的三大經貿實體上,形成三強鼎立的格局,三者之間的競爭將圍繞著市場與原料,而拉丁美洲擁有豐富的原料與廣闊的市場則必將成為爭奪的主要對象。拉丁美洲本身與美國在經濟上的差距過大,再加上政治意識的考量,短時間內無法形成一個整體的美洲自由貿易區,但其自身又無法成為一個獨立的經濟板塊,所以對歐盟而言加強對拉美的經貿投資,主要目的也在於使自身在與美國競爭之間處於有利的地位。 而墨西哥在拉美之中是僅次於巴西的第二大國,其位置更是處於北美連接拉美之間的重要橋梁,本身又是北美自由貿易協定(NAFTA)的成員國,因此歐盟加強與墨西哥之間的互動關係以及對墨西哥經貿的投資十分明顯,並於2000年與墨西哥簽訂了歐墨自由貿易協定,這也是歐盟與拉美國家簽訂的第一個自由貿易協定,由此可看出墨西哥是歐盟進入拉美版圖的重要關鍵,而墨西哥也成為了世界經濟體中唯一與三大經濟集團建立聯繫的國家。對墨西哥來說,歐墨協定減少了其對美國的貿易依賴,也增加了本身對外貿易的輻射範圍,並可以在歐盟與美國對於拉美的角逐之間扮演一個重要角色,從中獲取利益來促進國家的快速成長,是一舉多得的事。 對歐盟而言,歐墨協定除了兩者之間的經貿往來之外,通過協定也使得歐盟的產品可以經由墨西哥自由進入美國的市場來獲取更大的利益,可說是取得了相當大的成果,除了潛在的經濟價值外,通過墨西哥也加強了其與拉丁美洲之間的關係,並藉由促進民主的發展,使其在拉丁美洲找到了可投射其政治影響力的基石,甚至成為各國發展民主的最佳保證。而本文藉由層次分析,將之分成國際、區域、國家三層次來探討在全球化下歐盟與墨西哥雙邊經貿關係之發展,並分析歐墨協定的成效,以及歐盟個別國家對墨西哥的經貿關係,跟協定與NAFTA對墨西哥造成的影響。


In the context of globalization, the World’s economic trends gradually surround with the European Union, the North America and the region of Asia-Pacific these three entities. The competition between these three will revolve around with the market and the raw materials. The Latin America has abundant raw materials and vast market will become the target they fight. The Latin America’s economic has a huge gap compare with the United States, coupled with considerations of political consciousness, unable to form an overall FTAA in the short period of time and it can not become an independent economic sector on its own. So, for EU, to strengthen trade and investment in Latin America, the main purpose of it is to has a favorable position on competition between U.S. Mexico is second largest country in Latin America after to Brazil, its location is an important bridge to connect the North America and Latin America, and itself is a member of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Therefore, EU strengthen to trade and investment in Mexico is obviously. In 2000, EU and Mexico signed a free trade agreement Mexico, this is also the first free trade agreement signed by EU and Latin American countries. It can be believe that Mexico is the key to enter in Latin American territory of the European Union, and Mexico has become the only country in the world contact with the three major economic blocs. For Mexico, it is a good thing to decrease dependence of U.S and play an important role between the EU and U.S. which to obtain benefits to promote the growth of the country. For the EU, the EU-Mexico agreement also makes European products through Mexico into the U.S. and by promoting the development of democracy in Latin America,through its political influence, and even become the best guarantee for countries to develop democracy.


