  • 學位論文


A comparative study on the cross-border students’ mobility in higher education between the Netherland and Ireland

指導教授 : 楊瑩


本研究採用文件分析法與比較研究法來進行比較分析,旨在研究荷蘭與愛爾蘭高等教育跨國學生流動政策與實施現況,並以此作比較與分析。本研究主要目的包含: 一、釐清全球化與國際化概念之內涵。 二、探討高等教育學生跨國流動之重要性與內涵。 三、探討歐盟鼓勵學生跨國流動的相關政策與實施情形。 四、探討荷蘭與愛爾蘭高等教育發展現況。 五、剖析荷蘭高等教育學生跨國流動之相關政策與實施情形。 六、探討愛爾蘭高等教育發展現況。 七、剖析愛爾蘭高等教育學生跨國流動之相關政策與實施情形。 八、針對荷蘭與愛爾蘭兩國高等教育發展現況進行比較分析。 九、針對荷蘭與愛爾蘭兩國高等教育學生跨國流動之政策與實施情形進行比較分析。 十、針對研究發現,提出可供我國未來擬定高等教育跨國學生流動政相關策改革之參考建議。。 本研究之主要結論可從下述三方面分別歸納如下: 一、兩國高等教育發展現況 (一)兩國高等教育體系均屬「雙軌制」,且其高等教育機構大部分均由政府撥款補助。 (二)在「雙軌制」體系下,兩國博士學位之授予主要由一般大學負責。 (三)兩國高等教育均歷經相當幅度的增長,大眾化趨勢明顯。 (四)荷蘭於2002年進行教育體制改革,開始實施「三層級」學位架構,愛爾蘭則始終為「三層級」學位體系。 (五)兩國政府撥款給高等教育機構之行政體系有所不同。 (六)荷蘭專為跨國學生之專業人士設置「國際教育機構」,愛爾蘭則無。 二、兩國高等教育學生跨國流動政策: (一)兩國皆對外國學生訂定有「實施規範」。 (二)兩國皆配合歐盟波隆納歷程,包含ECTS、DS及三層級學位架構與國家資歷架構之建置。 (三)兩國為促進「學生跨國流動」皆推動開授聯合學位。 (四)兩國均設置行銷高等教育之專責單位。 (五)兩國的國際化重點皆包含提升「學生跨國流動」人數。 (六)兩國均為促進「學生跨國流動」設置獎學金。 (七)確保「高等教育品質」皆為兩國國際化核心重點。 (八)兩國均重視投資國際夥伴關係。 (九)荷蘭已設置海外官方教育諮詢機構(NESOs),愛爾蘭則為籌劃階段。 (十)申請簽證方面,愛爾蘭較荷蘭為便利。 (十一)兩國對跨國學生工讀條件規定不同。 三、兩國跨國流動學生實施情形 (一)兩國之跨國流動學生均最多選擇學士層級就讀,其次為碩士層級。 (二)整體而言,荷蘭及愛爾蘭之跨國流動學生均以女性居多。 (三)兩國之跨國流動學生最多人選擇的修讀領域皆為經濟、人文與科學相關領域。 (四)兩國之跨國流動學生人數近年皆呈現成長趨勢。 (五)兩國的跨國流動學生均主要來自歐盟國家,區域內流動明顯,除此,中國皆為此兩國之第二大跨國學生來源國。 (六)兩國來自伊拉斯莫斯計畫之學生人數呈現成長趨勢。 (七)荷蘭境內之跨國流動學生為愛爾蘭的兩倍。 (八)對德國學生而言,荷蘭高等教育明顯較富有吸引力。 (九)兩國跨國流入學生就讀高等教育類型有所不同,荷蘭較多就讀專業型高等教育機構,愛爾蘭則較多就讀一般大學。


Abstract: This study aims to explore the cross-border students’ mobility in the Netherland and Ireland, respectively, and to compare the similarities and differences between these two countries. The main methods used in this study include document analysis and comparative study. The main conclusions of this study are summarized as follow: I. As to the development and the current provision of higher education in the Netherland and Ireland: 1.Higher education in both countries have expanded greatly in the past decades and transformed from the traditionally ‘elite’ type to a ‘mass’ one. 2.Higher education systems in both countries are adopting the binary system, and the majority of their higher education institutions are publicly funded, though their funding systems are different. 3.Higher education system in the Netherland has been reformed since 2002, in accordance with the ‘3-cycle degree system’ of the Bologna process, but the 3-cycle degree system has been implemented for quite a long time in Ireland. II. As to the policies related to the cross-border students’ mobility in the Netherland and Ireland: 1.Both countries has established their own ‘codes of practice’ for cross-border students’ mobility. 2.Both countries have implemented European Credits Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) and established diploma supplements(DS), as requested by the Bologna processs.. 3.Both countries have promoted the cross-border students’ mobility by offering the joint degree programmes, and providing grants or scholarships to international students. 4.Both countries have established a nationwide institute responsible for the marketing and international cooperation in higher education. 5.Internatoionalization has been one of the important policies of higher education in both countries. 6. Both countries have established their own quality assurance systems of higher education. . 7.The Netherland has established its own overseas education offices (NESOs) , responsible for the consultation of overseas students., but there is no such kind agency in Ireland.


