  • 學位論文


Study of Evaporation Phenomena in Micro Channels

指導教授 : 康尚文


微流道二相對流熱傳可應用於許多領域如電子冷卻等,本研究探討微流道內之蒸發現象與毛細驅動熱,利用濕蝕刻技術於(110)矽晶片上製作長75mm,流力直徑100μm ~ 250μm之矩形流道,搭配成不同流力直徑尺寸之微流道試片,量測其在不同加熱功率以及工作角度下之流體蒸發率與試片溫度,並計算比較整體熱阻之差異。 經由實驗結果顯示出,當加熱功率亦即熱傳量增加之時,蒸發率會隨之升高而熱阻則隨之降低;在微流道尺寸差異所造成的影響則是得到較小之流力直徑尺寸設計同樣會使蒸發率上升與熱阻下降,另一方面本實驗也針對傾斜角度加以觀察並進行探討。實驗的結果與毛細力及毛細壓差的基礎理論趨勢吻合,也驗證了微流道流力直徑之尺寸設計與工作流體之接觸角是毛細驅動的重要指標。


微流道 蒸發 傾斜角 熱阻


Two-phase convective flow in micro channels has numerous promising applications such as electronic cooling. This study investigates evaporation phenomena and capillary-driven heat in a rectangular micro channels structure with hydraulic diameters of 100~250μm and length of 75mm. The micro channels made of (110)-orientated silicon is fabricated by bulk micromachining. The temperature distributions in micro channels chip structure, as well as the induced evaporation mass flow rate of water, were measured under different heat flux and inclination angle. Thermal resistance were calculated to evaluate the chip cooling performance. The experimental results show that with an increase of the imposed heat flux, the evaporation mass flow rate increases and thermal resistance decreases. The effect of channel size and inclination angle on the heat transfer characteristics are also examined.


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