  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Problem-based Instruction Using WebQuest on Blog in Social Studies

指導教授 : 沈俊毅


運用WebQuest於部落格平台進行問題解決教學之行動研究-以社會領域為例 中文摘要 本研究旨在探討運用WebQuest於部落格平台之模式中,教師進行問題解決教學情形,以及學生問題解決之歷程,並將此模式融入社會領域教學中,藉以了解教師使用WebQuest部落格平台之優點與限制、對學生學習動機的影響,以及學生的學習感受。 本研究採行動研究法,以國小四年級一個班級35位學生為研究對象,研究工具包含教學活動設計、自編的國小中年級生學習動機量表、部落格系統學生評鑑問卷、教學反思札記及WebQuest部落格平台。此外,也以訪談、觀察及文件分析(部落格歷程資料、學生專題成品、小組互評表及學習感受問卷)等方式來蒐集質性資料。綜合本研究有以下發現: 一、問題解決教學方面 WebQuest以問題情境為核心,且六大要素與問題解決步驟相符,因此有助於教師進行問題解決教學,對於學生問題解決思考也有正向影響。而WebQuest結合部落格模式,可藉「小組討論區」、「留言版」、「即時聊天」等功能了解學生問題解決歷程,不過國小學生在「確認問題性質」及「擬定解題方法」上能力較為不足。 二、WebQuest教學方面 WebQuest結合部落格模式具有「即時回饋和指導」、「線上評量及問卷」等功能,及平台上資料易於修改的特性,有助教師進行WebQuest教學。此外,此模式具有促進學生同儕互動分享、便於資料蒐集彙整以及使用便利降低負擔等優點。不過學生的網頁閱讀能力須於教學前訓練,而部落格平台建置也不易獨立完成。 三、學生學習方面 無論是透過「國小中年級生學習動機量表」前、後測資料顯示或是質性資料結果分析,都發現WebQuest結合部落格模式能提升學生的學習動機,並能促進合作學習。 四、學生學習感受方面 學生對於WebQuest結合部落格模式大都具有正向看法,認為此學習模式的優點有:學到解決問題(31%)、對學習有幫助(30%)、知道怎麼分工合作(20%)、溝通交流的園地(11%)、分享他人知識(14%)、電腦技能進步(14%)、學會怎麼查資料(23%)。此外,學生大都期待能再進行,也有信心能表現得更好。而此模式也有助於凝聚班級向心力。


An Action Research of Problem-based Instruction Using WebQuest on Blog in Social Studies Abstract This study aimed at exploring the application of WebQuest in the model of blogs. While teachers are teaching in problem-solving situations, or students in the process of problem solving, this mode can be integrated into the teaching of social studies so we can understand the advantages and the limitations of blogs, the impact on students’ learning motivation, as well as student learning experience when teachers are in the application of WebQuest. This study uses action research method and 35 fourth-grade students in a class as the research object. Research tools include teaching design activities, self-compiled learning motivation scale for 3rd -4th graders in elementary school, systematic student evaluation questionnaires on blog, teaching reflection notes and the WebQuest blog. In addition, interviews, observation and document analysis (blog history information, students’ case studies and topics, group evaluation from each other and learning-experience questionnaires) are used to collect qualitative data. The findings of this study are summed up in follows: 1. Aspect of Problem-solving Teaching WebQuest takes problem-situations as core, and six elements and problem-solving steps are in correspondence. It thus helps the teachers to solve the problem of teaching; for solving the students’ problems, thinking also serves positive effects. WebQuest combined with blogs can understand the students’ problem-solving process by the functions, such as "Panel Discussion", "Message Boards", and “Instant Chat". However, elementary school students are insufficient in the ability of "confirmation of problem nature " and "drawing up problem-solving approaches". 2. Aspect of WebQuest Combined with a blog model, WebQuest has "real-time feedback and guidance", "online assessment and a questionnaire" and other functions, and the characteristics of an easily modified platform for information, which help teachers to go on WebQuest instruction. In addition, this model is used to promote student interaction and sharing with peers, easy to aggregate data collection, easy to use so as to reduce students’ burden, which may serve as advantages. Nevertheless, students need to give a training of web-page reading skills before teaching, and it is not easy to build up a blogging platform independently. 3. Aspect of Student Learning Whether it is through "the primary motivation in-graders scale", either pre- or post- measured data displays or the results of the qualitative data analysis, the findings show that WebQuest combined with a blog model can enhance students’ learning motivation, and promote cooperative learning. 4. Aspects of Student Learning Experience For the WebQuest combined with a blog model, Students mostly have a positive view, thinking that the advantages of this learning model are: to learn how to solve problems (31%), to learn it is helpful (30%), to know how to make division of labor (20%), to acknowledge it is a place to make communication (11%), to share the knowledge with others (14%), to know computer skills improve (14%), to learn how to look for materials (23%). In addition, students are mostly looking forward to carrying on, and they are confident in their better performance. Furthermore, this model will also help to build class cohesion.


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