  • 學位論文


The Action Research to Utilize Vicarious Experiences for the Life Education among Fourth Graders of the Elementary School

指導教授 : 陳慶帆


本行動研究試圖理解研究者任教的中年級班級學生學習生命教育相關主題的歷程,希望透過這研究所進行的觀察來了解教學活動中學生的學習歷程與師生互動的情形,另一方面也透過對學習者的訪談理解學習者認識學習內容的過程,以及透過文件實物分析進行相關檢驗,而冀望此教學行動歷程的洞悉與領悟得以幫助學習者更清楚的認知,減少在生命教育課程遇到的困難,為以後的教學提供資訊,或對生命教育的教學有更深刻的理解。 本研究之主要目的有二:1.透過行動研究探討以替代經驗實施生命教育課程中師生互動的歷程。2.了解學生在生命教育課程中的學習歷程。 本研究的結果如下: 一、 學童依據替代經驗有助於建構正向的生命態度,逐漸從愛惜自己的生命進展到尊重別人的生命。 二、 老師的學習動機與行為對學童而言,是ㄧ種最直接的替代性經驗。 三、 影片的放映能引發學童關心生命議題的興趣。 四、 生命教育課程的發展應切合學童的生活經驗。 五、 生命教育有潛移默化的成效,激發學童的惻隱之心,化為生活實踐。 六、 課程實施時應注意提供學童有效的鷹架,可善加運用偶發性事件。 行動研究需要不斷的回顧與省思,最後依據研究結果,提出研究省思與建議,作為教學輔助或未來進一步研究之參考。


The purpose of this research activity is to study Life Education in the middle grade classes instructed by the author. The learning process of life education is studied by the observation of interaction between the student and teacher. Such as, the interview with the learners about the learning content, and the analyses of relevant articles. We would like to understand Life Education in depth and provide information to overcome the difficulties in the future teaching and learning. The objects of this activity are listed as followed: 1. To study the learning method of vicarious experience by the interaction between the teacher and students. 2. To understand the students' learning process of Life Education. The object of this research is primary school students. All the information will be collected by means of observation, interview and searching. After recording and analysing the interactions between teacher and students and their learning process, a conclusion will be conducted. Reflection and suggestion gained from this research activity can be used as a reference for further research or the supporting materials for teaching in the future. The results of research are: 1). Vicarious experience learning method helps the students form a positive attitude towards Life. The students are expected to develop gradually from cherishing one's own life to respecting others' life. 2). Teachers' learning motivation and behavior are the most direct vicarious experience to students. 3). Playing videos can arise students' interest in the topic of caring about life. 4). The development of Life Education Curriculum should in line with students' life experience. 5). The Life Education can influence the characters of students to have compassion and apply to their daily lives. 6). Scaffolding instructions are to be provided to the students together with accidental events if there is any.


