  • 學位論文


Application of the Content Management System for Classroom Management

指導教授 : 沈俊毅


資訊科技也開始融入到教育環境,使得教育情境逐漸多元化。師生溝通管道從單向傳輸模式傳統聯絡簿轉變成多元雙向溝通模式,可透過網路便利互相溝通訊息。因此『班級網頁』也就成為現代教師、學生及家長網路教學及溝通的重要平台。班級網頁的設置有助於傳遞學校相關資訊、公告事項等。可以透過網路傳達家長班級所發生的事情、所舉的活動及班級事務,並作良性的互動,達到教學相長的成效。 透過文獻探討後,發現一般教師的網頁建置偏重單向資訊的傳達,互動性不高。且網頁製作為多媒體素材的整合,對網頁編輯軟體不夠熟悉,不知如何操作。同時大部份教師沒有製作網頁編輯軟體,無法在家進行班級網站更新。這些都是讓老師對於班級網站的建置產生怯步。部落格的崛起是web 2.0時代最重要的特徵之一,是讓瀏覽者以個人為中心,強調網路使用者的主控權操之在己,將網路作為平台來使用,成為雙向最佳的溝通管道。 本研究旨在運作具備web2.0特性之內容管理系統,解決教師經營班級網頁的困難。本研究之目的主要分為三部份,首先探討班級經營之意涵並進行歸納,以統整出班級經營策略。第二目的是以台北縣中級資訊種子學校之班級網頁內涵進行內容分析,再以問卷調查方式,進行班級網頁項目需求,綜合歸納出班級網頁的內涵項目, 最後以教學系統化設計模式發展與設計「班級經營之內容管理系統」,並評估系統之實用性如何與檢討後續改進的方向。以減輕教師製作班級網頁的壓力,促進班級網頁的活絡,進而提升班級經營成效。


Because of the integration of the information technology, educational environment has become more and more multiplied. Through the convenience of the networks, the communicating medium between teachers and students has also become two-way interactive model from the original one-way conveying model. Thus, no matter the purpose is on the network education or the communication between each other, “Education Blogs” has eventually become the imperative platform for teachers, students, and the parents. Not only setting the web page for a class helps the school convey the information and the announcement, but also does it achieve a marked effect within teachers, students, and the parents. The researcher found that whether the class web page can be promoted depend on the internet platform is friendly or not. According to the reference, the web page is almost one-way information conveying oriented and has less interaction with the users. Furthermore, the unfamiliarness to the web page editing software and the deficiency of software for designing internet pages are the reasons that hold back the teachers to set up a class internet page. In the age of Web 2.0, the rise of a blog becomes the most important characteristic. It emphasizes user-centered trait, in other word, the users can surf the web pages as ones pleases. In order to create a best two-way communicating model, teachers can use the blog as an educational platform to make their pedagogic career get half the results with twice the effort. The study aimed at solving the difficulties of managing a class blog for a teacher by operating a managing platform with the characteristics of Web 2.0. And the purpose of this research can be separated as three parts: First, to discuss and induce the meaning of classroom management so as to generalize classroom management strategies. Second, the purpose is to analyze the content of the class blog at intermediate information seed schools in Taipei County. The researcher will use questionnaires to examine the required items of a class web page to facilitate the connotative items for a class web page. And third, the researcher will adopt the pedagogic systemized model to reconstruct the managing platform for classroom management, assess the practicalness of the managing platform, and make progress on the development. By so doing, this can reduce the teachers’ stress from designing the class blog, and advance the effectiveness of the classroom management.


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