  • 學位論文


The Translatability of Literary Style—by Analyzing S.Shapiro’s English Version of “Outlaws of the Marsh”

指導教授 : 張珮琪


翻譯為涉及語言學、文學及翻譯學研究理論的複雜問題,因為每種民族都具有其獨特的文化內涵和語言特點,常常使得一種語言所欲表達的思想及概念不能完全被另外一種語言所表達,進而產生可譯性限度問題 (translatability)。本文以沙博理(S.Shapiro)《水滸傳》英譯本為本,試圖從語言間的可譯性問題出發,進行英漢語之間的文化對比研究。本文目的有三:一、比較《水滸傳》的英文譯本,以文化翻譯角度探討其優缺點。二、論述於漢英轉譯時所產生的因文化問題而產生的語言問題(主要針對沙氏譯本)。三、探討《水滸傳》中因文化差異所產生的可譯性限度問題。 本論文共分六章、十九小節。本論文第一章為緒論性質,具體內容包括:研究動機、研究目的、研究價值、研究的成果回顧、研究步驟、章節安排與內容網要。 第二章簡述《水滸傳》版本的演變、探討其作者爭議並對四個英譯本版本、就其翻譯策略與方法進行分析比較。第三章的研究重點在於討論翻譯理論中的兩大面相:功能對等與形式對等,並針對兩個面相都會遇到可譯性限度問題進行分析並探析其發生原因。第四章主要探討沙氏譯本的翻譯方法,並針對沙氏譯本所出現的翻譯問題加以分析。第五章則從可譯性限度作出發點,以《水滸傳》中所出現的顏色詞、稱謂語和日常生活對應語為例,探討中英文化內涵及其翻譯問題。第六章節總結各章節的研究成果以及對研究中所遇到的問題提出反思,期盼在未來繼續加以研究。


翻譯 可譯性限度 文化 水滸傳 沙博理


Since translation is related to linguistics, literature and translation theory, it is tough for translators to handle. Every nation has his unique culture and language, and it makes considerably difficult to translate one language to another with equivalence. By analyzing Sidney Shapiro’s translation of “Outlaws of the Marsh”, we try to compare the culture differences between English and Chinese. The aims of the current dissertation are following: 1) the comparison of all the English versions of “The Outlaw of the Marsh”, and indication of the cons and pros from culture translation ; the discussion of the language problems, occurring from the culture differences in translating Chinese into English; 3) the analysis of the translatability due to the culture differences. The dissertation is divided into 6 chapters and 19 sections. The first chapter is the introductory part, including the motivation, the value, the importance, the aims, and the methodology of the current work. Also, we outline the related studies. In the second chapter the evolution of the Chinese editions “Outlaws of the Marsh” and the problem on the author are presented. Besides, we make the comparison on the four English versions in aspect of translation tragedy and methods. In the third chapter, we focus on two aspects of translation theory: function equivalent and form equivalent, which meet the same translatability problem. Then we try to explore the problems from the mentioned above functions. In the Fourth chapter we indicate the translation method and the problems of S. Shapiro’s version. In the Fifth chapter, we show the different culture systems between Chinese and English, taking the vocabulary of “color”, “address term” and normal, but specific for Chinese words as examples. In the final chapter, we make the conclusion from the above mentioned and outline the question not yet solved in this article in the brief.


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