  • 學位論文


A Study on the Development of Internet Troops in the United States and the Influence of Prism Events

指導教授 : 翁明賢


美國是世界上第一個提出「網路戰」(Network warfare)概念的國家。按照美軍的定義,所謂網路戰,即為攻擊、幹擾和破壞敵方網路資訊系統,並保證己方網路資訊系統正常運行而採取的系列網路攻防行動。早在互聯網普及前的1993年,美國著名智庫蘭德公司(Research and Development,RD)的研究人員就提出網路戰就要來了,並對網路戰的概念及作戰理念進行了前瞻性探討。他們認為,網路戰就是保障己方、破壞敵方網路安全和作戰體系穩定的各類攻防行動特別是資訊攻防行動的總稱。所以,最初的網路戰主要指發生在電腦之間的病毒與反病毒、駭客(Hacker)與防火牆(Firewall)之間的鬥爭,隨著網路、網路技術和網路攻防手段的不斷發展,許多政府部門、商業組織和社會團體利用網路進行宣傳,影響和控制輿論。特別是美國,近年來不斷利用網路插手別國事務,網路戰也從單純的攻防戰轉向「輿論戰」(Public opinion war)與「宣傳戰」(Propaganda war),從「無政府」(Adjective)走向「有組織」(Organized),從隱蔽走向公開。


The United States is the first country in the world to propose the concept of "network warfare". According to the definition of the US military, the so-called network warfare, that is, to attack, interfere with and destroy the enemy network information system, and to ensure that the normal operation of the network information system to take a series of network attack and defense operations. As early as the popularity of the Internet in 1993, the famous American think tank Rand Corporation (Research and Development, RD) researchers put forward the network war is coming, and the concept of network warfare and operational concept of a forward-looking discussion .They believe that the network warfare is to protect their own side, undermine the enemy network security and combat system stability of all kinds of offensive and defensive action, especially information attack and defense action in general. So, the initial network warfare mainly refers to the virus between the computer and anti-virus, hackers (Hacker) and the firewall (Firewall) between the struggle, With the continuous development of Internet, Internet technology and cyber offensive and defensive methods, many government departments, business organizations and social organizations use the Internet to promote, influence and control public opinion. In particular, the United States, in recent years continue to use the Internet to intervene in other countries, the network warfare from the simple attack and defense to the "public opinion war" (Public opinion war) and "propaganda war" (Propaganda war), from "no government" (Adjective ) To "organized" (Organized), from the hidden to open.


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