  • 學位論文


The Study of Trade of Banana Between Latin America and the EU

指導教授 : 宮國威


歐洲與拉丁美洲自殖民地時期,無論是在文化或是政治方面都有其深厚的淵源。隨著2006年3月第四屆歐盟與拉美高峰會議(EU - Latin American and Caribbean Summit IV)在維也納(Viena, Austria)的召開,都足以顯示歐盟越來越重視拉丁美洲這個長久以來的合作夥伴關係,然而拉丁美洲對於歐盟未來發展而言,也將扮演越來越重要的角色。 歐盟於一九九三年統一了香蕉的進口政策,結束長期各國混亂的市場制度,而這改變直接影響兩大主要進口供應者在歐盟市場的競爭。對於來自中南美洲的香蕉進口課徵高關稅並實行配額管制,相對於加勒比海國家所生產的香蕉則是與給了相當大的貿易優惠,如此不公平的差別待遇,進而引爆了一連串的香蕉貿易爭端。 除此之外,許多中南美國家香蕉產業的發展受到美國跨國公司投入大量的資金與技術,降低其生產成本,使得加勒比海香蕉在國際競爭不斷地受到威脅,再加上國際香蕉價格持續低靡以及自然因素影響,讓該地區香蕉產業快速衰退,國家經濟岌岌可危,所以歐盟如何兼顧加勒比海地區的經濟發展與世界香蕉貿易的穩定?如何在拉美和美國強大壓力下去解決這棘手的貿易爭端? 以及該香蕉貿易政策對拉丁美洲及加勒比海國所帶來的衝突和影響,以及未來彼此之間微妙關係發展,為本論文研究之重點。


Since the colonial era, Europe and Latin America have had strong connections whether in cultures or in politics. With the host of the 4th EU-Latin America and Caribbean Summit in Viena in March 2008, it can present that the EU pays more and more attention to this long-term partnership with Latin America and then Latin America also plays an increasingly important role in the economic development of the EU. The EU unified banana import policy in 1993 and terminated the long-term chaotic market systems of different nations. Compared with high tariffs and quota control on Latin American banana exports to the EU, the Caribbean banana growers are provided trade preferences. Such an unfair differential treatment leads to a series of banana trade disputes. Besides, the development of the Latin American banana sector is affected with a big injection of capitals and technical skills from many U.S. multinational companies. Therefore, the Latin America can lower its cost and places the Caribbean banana a threat. Beside the above factor, effects of the low price level in the international market and of natural factors also make the Caribbean banana sector decline fast. Its economy is also in danger of collapsing. How should the EU settle this urgent trade dispute under such the great pressure from Latin America and U.S. and also take care of the Caribbean economic development? And what effects and conflicts of the EU banana policy will be on the development of Latin America and Caribbean countries? This thesis will focus on the above topics.


蘇芳誼,<歐盟與美國之農業貿易紛爭>,《問題與研究》,第37卷 第7期,民87年6月,頁15-83。
Bryan, Anthony T., The Caribbean : new dynamics in trade and political economy, USA:North-South Center, 1995.


