  • 學位論文


Studies of the Cochabamba Water War of 2000 in Bolivia (1985-2011)

指導教授 : 王秀琦


水是一切生命賴以生存,社會經濟發展不可缺少和不可替代的重要自然資源。然而,近幾十年來人口增長、城市化和氣候變遷的急劇發展,也對有限的水資源及水環境產生了巨大的衝擊。 面對全球水資源危機,各國政府與國際金融機構提出「華盛頓共識」的解決方案:水資源私有化和商品化。世界銀行與國際貨幣基金組織因而開始要求許多服務素質欠佳和管理不善的公營水利機構進行私有化。 1999年,玻利維亞政府在世界銀行的壓迫下,將科恰班巴市的地方水利機構(SEMAPA)進行私有化改革。然而,水資源的利用與分配,在科恰班巴地區一直屬於極為敏感的議題。私有化的結果不但沒有提生民眾用水品質,更忽略了當地民眾傳統用水權利,加劇了當地用水分配不公的情形,導致一連串激烈的群眾抗議事件。 本論文主要在於研究2000年科恰班巴水資源戰爭爆發的原因與事件發展過程,以更深入瞭解該事件背後的意義以及其所產生的影響。


Water is the source of all life on earth, as well as a crucial, indispensable and irreplaceable natural resource for socio-economic development. In recent decades, however, rapid population growth, urbanization and climate change have made a great impact on limited water resources and water environment. Faced with the global water crisis, governments and international financial institutions advocated a Washington Consensus solution: the privatization and commodification of water. Therefore, the World Bank and International Monetary Fund requested that many inefficient and poor-performing public water utilities to be privatized. In 1999, the Bolivian government, under pressure from the World Bank, decided to privatize Cochabamba’s public water company, SEMAPA (Municipal Water and Sewage Service). But the utilization and distribution of water resources in the Cochabamba region has always been a very sensitive issue. The privatization of SEMAPA not only failed to improve the quality of the public water service, it even ignored the traditional rights to water of the local people, and furthermore it exacerbated the inequitable distribution situation of water the region, that later led to a series of intense mass protests. This thesis is to study the causes and the development of the Cochabamba Water War in 2000, to give a better understanding of the meaning behind this event and its impacts.


湯馬斯.佛里曼(Thomas L. Friedman) 著,顧淑馨 等譯,《世界又熱、又平、又擠:全球暖化、能源耗竭、人口爆炸危機下的新經濟革命》(Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution - and How It Can Renew America),台北:天下遠見出版公司,2008。


