  • 學位論文


A discussion of Hayao Miyazaki’s Animations And Animism

指導教授 : 劉長輝


本論文以宮崎駿原作動畫為中心,探討其世界觀中的泛靈論思想,以及該思想在作品中所蘊含的意義。文中所指泛靈論,亦稱萬物有靈論,是一種相信天下萬物皆有靈魂寄宿其中的信仰型態。研究範圍以《風之谷》、《龍貓》、《魔法公主》、《神隱少女》、《懸崖上的波妞》等五部作品為主,輔以《天空之城》與《紅豬》兩作品進行探討。 首先論述各作品世界觀中的泛靈論表現,分為信仰以及異界兩個主題,接著研究各作品中神靈、精靈、妖怪等泛靈論相關角色的性質以及角色背後存在的意義,然後探討人類與泛靈論相關角色的關聯性,分為神靈的消逝與環境保護兩大主題。 從宮崎駿原作動畫的世界觀來看,可以瞭解其中富含信仰、異界、泛靈論相關角色等要素。從民俗信仰表現來看,有祝詞、言靈、依代等元素,以及神道、佛教的思想在其中。但比起宗教信仰本身,世界觀中更強調的是人與自然的關係,這種融合信仰以及人與自然關係的表現,以泛靈論來論述是較為適切的。而提到人與自然的關係,不免讓人聯想到環境保護,本論文中針對宮崎駿原作動畫作品中環境保護的概念做了探討,作中表現出的環境保護概念與泛靈論相互連結,結合宮崎駿本身的論述,得出作品中泛靈論思想表現出的核心概念為人與自然共生的結論。


宮崎駿 泛靈論 環境保護 民俗信仰 自然


This thesis attempt to explore the animist worldview of Hayao Miyazaki animated films. Focusing on the " My Neighbor Totoro", "Princess Mononoke", "Spirited away", "Ponyo", and also taking "Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind", "Castle in the sky", "PorcoRosso"as reference, We try to discuss the animism of Hayao Miyazaki animated films. The thesis is composed of three chapters. In the first chapter it indicates the animist worldview in each Hayao Miyazaki animated works. And the animist worldview of Hayao Miyazaki animated works can be divided into two subjects, belief and underworld. The next chapter will analysis representative figures of animism. Such as God, fairy, devil, etc. We try to find out the characteristic and meaning of existence of these characters. Finally, we attempt to explore the relationship between human and these characters. It can be divided into two subjects, one is extinction of God, another is environmental protection. By these steps, we can find out the animist worldview of Hayao Miyazaki animated films consists of several elements such as"belief", "underworld", "figures of animism",etc. And from the viewpoint of folk religion we also can explore the elements of "norito", "kotodama", "yorishiro". And it also includes Shinto ideology,Buddhist ideology. But the most important thing is the relationship between people and nature. The only one suitable word to describe this link is animism. This link also reminds us about the core of Hayao Miyazaki animated films which is environmental protection.


宮崎駿(1996)『出発点 1979∼1996』徳間書店
赤田光男(1997)「精霊信仰と俗信」『帝塚山短期大学紀要. 人文・社会科学編・自然科学編』(34)帝塚山大学p.15-27
