  • 學位論文


The Leadership of Mayor Rudy Giuliani in New York City

指導教授 : 紀舜傑


美國一般的大都市多採行強勢市長制,例如巴爾的摩、波士頓、底特律、紐約、費城、匹茲堡、聖路易市等都市,強勢市長制度下雖賦予市長強大的權力,但有許多在強勢市長體系下的城市依然存在著沒有影響力的市長,所以市長並不能只倚靠制度上的權力,也必須學習如何培養能力去治理都市。 因此法令規則會賦予市長相當的權力,但一個城市的情況好壞與否也必須考量到領導者個人的領導統馭,市長制度中強調個人特質與風格的合法權力,然而不管什麼樣的個人風格,要成為一個好的領導者必須要建立策略才能有效的領導。 紐約市也屬於強勢市長的體系,市長朱利安尼透過個人的領導統馭以及策略的建立來領導紐約市,本文的研究重點即是探討朱利安尼如何降低紐約市的犯罪率以及他在九一一事件危機處理表現。


The strong mayor system is the dominant form of government in the nation’s largest cities. Baltimore, Boston, Detroit, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsbrugh, and St. Louis are all generally seen to have strong-mayor sytems. Although the strong-mayor system empowers the mayor of city, a number of strong-mayor cities have seen a succession of weak or uninfluential mayors. No mayor can afford to rely solely on his or her charter poers; even in strong-mayor cities, a mayor has to learn how to conserve and biuld powers in order to govern effectively. Therefore, the city charter will empower the mayor of that city. The effective mayor leadership will decide how good the city is. The mayor system emphasizes the formal or legal powers of the office. However, to be a good leader should build good strategies that could have the inflence leadership. New York City also belongs to the strong-mayor system. Mayor Rudy Giuliani leaded New York City through his own leadership and strategies biulding. This thesis will discuss that Rudy Giuliani how to decline the crime rate of NYC and the performance in the 911 crisis management.


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