  • 學位論文


Improving Reading Motivation: A Case Study of Applying Critical Literacy Approach in EFL University Context

指導教授 : 黃月貴


本研究旨在探討「批判識讀法」(Critical Literacy Approach)適用於大學閱讀課程中的可行性,並進一步探究此閱讀法對於學生內在閱讀動機(intrinsic reading motivation)之影響以及學生對此一互動學習上課方式的接受度。實驗結果發現,批判識讀法於閱讀課程中的應用不僅在課堂上提供思考性活動,並營造出情境式學習進而提高學生課堂參與度。研究結果指出,批辦識讀法對閱讀動機有正面影響,而男性受測者對此一教學方式接受度比女性來的高。此外,老師於課堂中對討論的從旁協助也扮演重要的角色,引導學生運用生活經驗對文章內容進行分享與分析。根據課堂實際觀察以及研究結果,建議老師應用此ㄧ閱讀教學法時應慎選適當之閱讀材料,並搭配介紹不同的閱讀策略(reading strategies)幫助學生對文章的理解與討論。


The study seeks to explore the feasibility of using Critical Literacy Approach (CLA) with university students learning English as a foreign language (EFL) in Taiwan. The author investigated the effect of CLA integrated into the reading curriculum, studied the acceptance for CLA, and explored the change of reading motivation and reaction of students toward implicating CLA in classroom practice. Findings indicate that CLA not only provides more critical- thinking tasks, but also enhances contextualized learning that motivates learners to participate in class. For example, learners’ intrinsic reading motivation is gradually improved by exposure to CLA reading. The findings also show that male readers’ motivation is higher than that of females, which is inconsistent with previous research. Most importantly, teachers’ guidance is the fundamental to facilitate the discussion or the reading. Teachers assist students with the meaning of the text and help them bring in life experiences to the discussion. Implications of the study suggest an approach to the selecting criteria for reading material, and to discuss the incorporation of reading strategies, task design and assessment in the classroom.


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