  • 學位論文


The Reality of Revolution of Military Affairs of PLA:with the view of Information Warfare

指導教授 : 曾復生


在1991年3月,中共在七屆人大會議中鑑於波灣戰爭效應,遂要求當局重視中共武器裝備汰舊換新,而領導階層更表示深切認同與關注,已在一定程度上達成上下一致的共識,更埋下中共軍事事務革新的根基。 中共自1985年正式決定實施軍事現代化,隨後受到波灣戰爭的影響,其建軍方向分別從「現代化條件下的人民戰爭」,到「高技術條件下的局部戰爭」,至「信息化條件下的高技術局部戰爭」三度轉型。對中共而言,武器裝備研發與購置只是實體的表徵,其人員素質的提昇更是強軍富國的一大政策指標,站在宏觀的戰略制高點評論,就武器裝備而言,兩岸軍力失衡已日趨明確,在中共致力人才外送學習技術的前題下,探究中共推動軍事事務的革新(RMA)虛實及成效(以信息化為例),以達孫子兵法所言:「知己知彼,百戰不殆﹔不知彼而知己,一勝一負﹔不知彼不知己,每戰必殆。」據此,掌握兩岸未來軍力動態平衡的發展。 中共可以發展出以地對地飛彈為主的攻擊能力,輔以進口的武器裝備,以進行精準的攻擊。然而,這究竟是不是大規模系統整合式的軍事革新。如何精確掌握中共在時代大環境的機遇而實施「跨越式的發展」,此亦為未來研究的重要課題與方向。


In March, 1999, the Seventh People Conference of PRC decided to replace old weapons and change into new arm forces in accordance of Persian Gulf War, and the leadership showed highly recognition and approbation in some way; therefore, it leads to PLA’s Revolution of Military Affairs. In 1985, PRC determined to carry out the policy of modern-military. But after the Persian Gulf War, PRC troops change the war type from “people war under modern conditions” to “area war under high techniques”, and then become “high technical area war under information condition.” To PLA, weapon developing and purchasing is just an idea, to improve people quality is the great policy to stronger its country. In a broader way, the armed forces had been imbalanced between Taiwan and China in both weapon and equipment. On account of PLA sending students abroad to learn techniques and skills, we investigate the Reality of Revolution of Military Affairs of PLA (with the view of Information condition) to achieve what was told in Art of War, “know both your opponent and yourself, you shall win the victory; if you only know yourself, you stand 50% to win; know neither your opponent nor yourself, you will lose.” We shall keep track of the developing of armed forces between Taiwan and China. PLA may develop the mainly attack by TBM and assist with imported weapon to give directly shot. However, is that the Revolution of Military Affairs to coordinate all the systems? And how to control the circumstances to implement “Crossing Development” is another important issue to discuss in the future




