  • 學位論文


The influence of implementing information security policy of the bank.

指導教授 : 林宜男


加入世貿組織為我國銀行業帶來契機,惟也帶來嚴峻挑戰,其中金融資訊安全問題最為關鍵,當經濟全球化後首先是資訊全球化,隨著各方面進入資訊時代,在銀行業廣泛運用資訊化中扮演著非常重要的角色;銀行業是國民經濟發展的核心與樞紐,涉及到社會生活的種種,一旦有相關安全案件發生,將會引發信用危機,造成社會不穩定。   銀行業是資訊技術投入最多和應用最高的行業之一,其資訊技術應用層面,幾乎涵蓋了所有現行資訊產品,在銀行經營管理考量安全性、營利性、流動性等原則中,對於銀行的興衰成敗有著舉足輕重的意義;在資訊作業已經滲透到銀行經營的各個層面,成為銀行業務開展的基礎設施和基本要求,故金融資訊安全是銀行經營管理工作中的重大關鍵,因為金融是關係到國計民生的重要行業,金融系統的安全可靠營運是經濟發展、社會安定的重要保證。   銀行業經營理念轉至客戶為中心,擴大金融產品、提升金融服務品質,而這一切的基礎就是金融資訊化建設,為保護自身與客戶資料等重要資產,紛紛遵照財政部、經濟部、法務部等政府單位訂定的各種法令,建立切合銀行本身的自有資訊安全政策策略,而銀行自訂的資訊安全政策應該是一份詳盡的文件,記載著銀行對於資訊財產方面的保護措施,利用這份文件來做到內部安全控管以及加強員工訓練,使得此安全政策可以由上至下加以貫徹,達到良好的安全管理機制。   金融資訊化建設的安全架構,必須遵循政府主管機關財政部要求,及法令制定部門頒布的法律,同時在因應世貿組織策略上,更必須了解歐美重要的金融法案與相關訊息,調整銀行本身的經營策略與資訊安全政策,提昇與世界同業的競爭力以求生存,然而以資訊安全這個重要議題在內部控制與資訊治理上,政府與銀行間究竟存在何種的互動關係,這就是本文要研究的議題。


The accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) brings the turning point for our country’s banking industry. But, it also brings severe challenges, in which the financial information security problem is most essential. Information is the first globalized after the economic globalization has been done. As everything enters the information epoch, it plays extremely important role to widely utilize information in the banking industry. The banking industry is the core and key for national economy development. It involves everything in social life. Once any case relevant to information security takes place, the credit crisis will be caused and it will make the society unstable.   The banking industry is one of the industries which most highly invested and utilized the information technology (IT). The application of IT has nearly covered all present information products. Under the principle of bank management’s security, beneficial and fluidity, it will significantly impact success or failure of the bank. While the information operation has already permeated to bank management in all aspects, it becomes the infrastructure and the basic request for the bank’s sales expansion. Therefore, the financial information security is significant key point in the bank’s management. The banking industry is so important, it relates to whole country’s economy and the people's livelihood. The security and reliable operation of financial system is important guarantee for economy development and the social stability.   The management principle of banking industry is converted to treat customer as the center of everything. To expand the financial product and improve its service quality, the foundation is financial informationization construction. To protect herself and customer’s data and important property, the banks follow the laws drawn up by the government authorities, like Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economic Affairs, and Ministry of Justice and so on, and establish their own information security policy and strategy. The strategy should be an exhaustive document. It records the protective measures on bank’s information property. The bank uses this document to achieve the internal security control as well as to enhance staff’s training. It makes the security policy to be full implement from top to down and reach the good system of security management.   The security frame for the financial informationization construction must follow the requirement of government authorities - Ministry of Finance, and obey the law promulgated by Law Department. In accordance to the WTO strategy simultaneously, it’s necessary to understand European and American important financial laws and regulations, as well as the relevant news. To adjust bank’s management strategy and the information security policy, and to promote competition in the global banking industry for survival. However, based on this important subject about information security for internal control and the information management, what kind of interactive relation will be there between the government and the bank? It is the topic that we are going to study in the text.




