  • 學位論文


Social Position of Russia's LGBT in Soviet and Post-Soviet Times

指導教授 : 馬良文


本研究為蘇聯時期「同性戀者即犯法」,至蘇聯解體後,葉爾欽總統適度將同性戀除罪化, 並將探討經過在全球化下的20餘年,多元成家,跨性別婚姻及同性戀,在社會風氣更加開放的同時, 獨樹一格的俄羅斯又頒布了禁止同性戀宣揚的法案, 直接限制俄羅斯同性戀的基本人權權益。 本作者將加以描述俄羅斯政府對於同性戀的種種作為, 釐清俄羅斯是否是因關乎國家及民族自我意識,認為俄羅斯非屬於西方價值體系,也非東方社會價值觀,並與傳統東正教思維相連接, 導致今日的俄羅斯社會仍然對於同性戀議題相當的保守與封閉。對於俄羅斯同性戀議題的種種,希望能藉此研究加以了解俄羅斯政府與人民,對於同性戀族群以及俄羅斯社會價值體系對於同性戀認同的態度。


俄羅斯 同性戀 反同法案 蘇聯


After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, President Yeltsin decriminalized homosexuality. He also allowed public discussions of the relationship between homosexuality, transgender marriages and homosexuality in the past 20 years under globalization. Notwithstanding these tendencies, Russian parliament promulgated a bill prohibiting propaganda of homosexuality,direct restrictions on basic human rights and interests of Russian homosexuals.The author analyzes various acts of Russian government relating to homosexuality in order to clarify whether these are related to national self-consciousness different from Western value system, the values of Eastern society, and traditional Orthodox thinking. These factors account for the Russian society being still conservative and closed for issues on homosexuality. This study has been undertaken with the hope to understand Russian government and people, the gay community in Russia and the Russian social value system concerning homosexual identity attitude.


LGBT Russia Propaganda Soviet Union Anti-Gay


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