  • 學位論文


The study of relation between rainfall states and runoff coefficient in the north part of Taiwan different watersheds

指導教授 : 林意楨




This paper discusses and analyzes the relation between runoff and rainfall of watershed area in raining situation. The flow and accumulated rainfall data of Hsiu-Luan headwaters watershed area of Tamshui river basin, Nei-Wan headwaters watershed area of TouChien river, and Pi An Chou headwaters watershed area of HouLong river in these ten years are collected and analyzed. The data includes the average of summation of daily runoff, the average of summation of first half year daily runoff, the average of summation of first 1/3 big daily runoff, and the average of summation of first 1/10 big daily runoff. Rational formula and GIS are used to analyze the relation between runoff coefficient, runoff, and degree of slope. The land use levels are used to determine the relation between developed area and runoff coefficient. The IA coefficient are use to analyze in this paper. The level of Pi An Chou is higher then other two basins. The runoff coefficient is also higher then other two basins.


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