  • 學位論文


Evolution of Tactics: Applications of Traditional Weapon Systems

指導教授 : 黃介正


步兵是人類最原始,也是最低階的作戰單位。根據步兵武器的選擇而產生了兩種作戰類型:近接格鬥與遠距射擊。由這兩種作戰類型產生了三種戰鬥狀況:近接格鬥對上近接格鬥、遠距射擊對上遠距射擊,以及近接格鬥對上遠距射擊。遠距射擊彼此交戰取決於射距、射速和精確度,當這三者均無懸殊的差異時,戰鬥會步入消耗模式,那麼勝敗將取決於數量。近接格鬥對上遠距射擊時,遠距射擊有攻擊距離的優勢,對戰的勝負取決於近戰部隊是否有辦法強迫射擊部隊進入近戰,方法有兩種:其一是速度,迅速通過遠距射擊的攻擊範圍;其二是數量,由於射距、射速和攜彈量的物理限制,遠攻部隊無法一次消滅大批的敵人,尤其近戰部隊有以裝甲防護或是採取疏散隊形來降低投射殺傷的對策。當近接格鬥對上近接格鬥時,兵器的長短有些微的優勢,但不像遠距射擊那麼明顯。決定近戰勝敗最主要的因素在於迫使敵人多方向作戰,例如側翼攻擊、背後攻擊與包圍。要執行這類攻擊需要精銳的士兵、傑出的指揮官與愚昧敵方將領的配合,不過當有數量優勢的時候,即使是平庸的指揮官也可輕易辦到。 騎兵與戰車的採用使得武器系統多了機動能力這一屬性。由近接格鬥、遠距射擊與機動能力三項要素孕育了武器戰術系統的四種能力:輕步兵、重步兵、輕騎兵和重騎兵。輕騎兵強化了速度,使得它可以輕易地對近接格鬥施行打帶跑戰術。重騎兵的速度迫使敵人多方向作戰能更容易實施。武器系統戰術能力的應用是戰爭藝術的要項,即武裝衝突當中力空時三者邏輯關係的呈現。


戰術 武器系統


The infantry is the most primitive and the lowest order combat unit of human. Two combat types arose from infantry choice of weapons: Shock or Missile. Three situation generated by these two types’ applications: Shock versus shock. Missile versus missile. And shock versus missile. Missile units against each other depending on shooting distance, speed and accuracy, when there are no such decisive superior essence between them, conflict will enter a consumption pattern, then the victory belong majority. Missile units versus shock units, in this situation that missile units take shooting advantage. If shock units want to grab the tail of victory, they must drag missile units into close combat. There are two ways to bring about this: One is shock units quickly cross kill zone. The other is majority, because missile is limited by attack range, shooting speed, and bullet’s stock, it couldn’t destroy massive enemy at one time, especially shock units always protect by armor or adopt scattered formation to reduce missile damage. When shock versus shock, long weapons take a little advantage from shorter ones, but not so obviously by missile weapons. The fundamental factor of shock units strive against another is forcing enemy to fight several direction: such as flank attack, back attack and siege. To come true such suppression requires elite soldiers, outstanding commander and foolish enemy general. But there is an easy way to come true such suppression, that is majority even the commander who just be a common commander. Applications of cavalry and chariot expand mobile element into weapon systems. The Matrix of Shock, Missile and Mobile gave birth to the four capabilities of weapon systems: Heavy infantry, heavy cavalry, light infantry and light cavalry. Light cavalry has such superior speed that it can easily use hit and run to attack shock units. Application of heavy cavalry also impels enemy to surround by predicament easily. Applications of traditional weapon systems capabilities are the art of war, in other words, they are presentation of armed conflict of logic of force, space and time.


Tactics Weapon Systems


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Pual Kennedy 著,張春柏 陸乃聖 主議。《霸權興衰史:一五まま至二ままま年的經濟變遷與軍事衝突》(The rise and fall of the great powers: economics change and military conflict from 1500 to 2000)。台北:五南出版社,2008年10月出版。
Samuel P. Huntington 著,黃裕美 譯。《文明衝突與世界秩序的重建》(The clash of civilizations and the remaking of world order)。台北:聯經出版社,1997年9月出。
Archer Jones, The Art of War in the Western World (Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2001)
