  • 學位論文


A case Study on the Strategy of School Management for a Private High School in Taipei

指導教授 : 吳明清


本研究旨在探討臺北市一所私立學校穩健發展之策略。整合臺北市優質學校指標,以「學校行政領導」、「教師專業發展」、「校園環境規劃」與「學校公共關係」四個向度指標為架構,立意取樣個案學校3位行政人員與3位教師進行半結構式訪談,佐以學校相關文件資料,分析個案學校的經營策略。 經歸納研究結果獲得以下結論: 個案學校在學校行政領導、教師專業發展、校園環境規劃與學 校公共關係四個項目中,採取之經營策略如下: 一、個案學校之行政領導能洞燭先機,有先見之明。 二、個案學校能了解本身的優勢與劣勢,選擇正確的發展策略。 三、個案學校強化溝通管道,將心比心。 四、個案學校有完整的配套措施,確實執行。 五、個案學校之親、師、生共同參與,凝聚向心力。 六、個案學校之校務發展能回歸教育本質,關注學生學習。 七、個案學校以自然的口碑取代行銷,成效顯著。 依據上述研究結論,本研究提出相關建議,以供教育主管機 關、學校及後續研究者參考。


The purpose of this study was to explore the strategy of school management for a private high school which had been developing steadily during the past years. Four dimensions of school management was framed for data collection and analysis, including “administrative leadership of school”, “teacher’s professional development”, “planning for campus environment” and “school public relations”. A semi-structured interview was conducted in addition to an analysis of school documents. Three administrators and three teachers of the case school were purposively selected as subjects of the interview. Findings of this study were summarized as follows: 1. The school leader and members of the administrative team share common visions and strongly commit to school development. 2. The school as a whole understands its advantages and disadvantages for decision-making on strategies of school management and development. 3. The school strengthens ways of communication and puts oneself in one's shoes. 4. The school has thorough policies to support activities of teachers professional development. 5. Parents, teachers and students of the school all take parts in, as well as being cohesive for school development. 6. The core value of this school for school management and development is student learning, and efforts of this school all direct to the support of successive learning for every student. 7. The Case School replacing natural reputation marketing, remarkable results. Based on research findings, several recommendations were made for educational administrative authority, schools, as well as further researchers.


