  • 學位論文


Hydraulic Model Test for Flow of a Multi-purpose Channel in Urban Area

指導教授 : 許中杰


一般台灣都市地區排水系統為排放暴雨之單功能防洪排水系統,由於環保及休閒意識增長,現今規劃設計區域排水系統必須同時考量排水與提供市民親水環境之多重功能。因此,區域排水系統除解決水患問題外,同時執行污染改善而建立親水環境以提供當地居民休閒遊憩之生活,並可帶動地區工商業發展等多重功能區域排水系統。 本研究根據台灣某都市地區具有多重功能精神之區域排水系統規畫案,應用水工模型試驗以學術性之水理觀點作整體性之研究與檢討。期望可提供較佳方案以作為改善該地區之淹積水現象及打造優質親水環境之設計參考。試驗結果顯示,此一多功能區域排水系統規劃案應作局部修正,而修正後之細部規劃建議再作後續進一步之研究與分析。


Single-purpose channel for discharging storm waters has been mainly used for the cities in Taiwan. Due to the increased awareness of the priority of human activities, the planning of regional drainage system nowadays must be considered for both environmental factors and flood prevention. Thus, the regional drainage channel is not only to solve the flooding issues but also to establish a clean non-polluted environment for local community. The multi-purpose channel with its accompanied facilities forms an environmental hydraulic platform which provides local residences with leisure activity, commercial promotion as well as flood prevention. This study is according to a metropolitan area for the possession of the planning for multi-purpose drainage system. To make use of the hydraulic model test to an academic viewpoint of flow for the integrity of research and seeking for a better planning to improve the flooded phenomenon as well as to provide a reference of creating a high quality water park environment. The result shows that the current planning of the multi-purpose drainage system is needed to be modified and the suggested revision should be followed up for further analysis.


5. 萬銘工程科技股份有限公司,「新莊市中港抽水站擴建工程基本設計報告【第一冊,擴建西站部份,定案本】」,民國92年6月
6. 萬銘工程科技股份有限公司,「新莊市中港抽水站擴建工程基本設計報告【第一冊,擴建東站部份,定案本】」,民國92年7月
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