  • 學位論文


A Study on the Poetry of Kinmen

指導教授 : 陳文華


金門;長久以來予人的第一個印象就是戰地、碉堡和坑道,似乎是充滿陽剛之氣,但金門曾經有海濱鄒魯之美譽,是一有深厚文化淵源之地。 在許多金門的古籍中記載著許多感人的詩歌,從這些詩歌中我們可以知悉,金門自古以來發生在這塊土地上的許多故事,在這些詩中令我們感受到一股溫馨與溫暖,但也瞭解了在這個島上人民曾經受到的許多苦難。 宋朱熹任同安主簿時,曾多次至金門巡視及講學,造就了日後金門文學的發展,而朱熹四書集註中的儒家思想,也在在反映在金門眾多的古詩中。 整個研究分為六大論題:第壹章緒論;第貳章金門地區文學淵源與環境;第叁章傳統的金門詩歌研究;第肆章金門戰地時期的詩歌研究;第伍章金門現代詩歌研究暨發展;第陸章結論。研究範圍從唐朝派駐牧馬監陳淵設立行政區開始,一直到解嚴後的詩歌研究,分為三主要階段,分別是傳統的金門詩歌研究,從唐、宋、元、明、清至民國初年的詩歌研究。再來是戰地時期的金門詩歌研究,從民國三十八年至民國八十一年解嚴為止。最後是解嚴後的金門現代詩歌研究。研究方法則採用了歷史分析研究法、文獻分析研究法及田野調查三方法進行研究;然而文學是浩瀚無疆的,這個區塊仍有很大促進空間,盼諸賢達先進能不吝指教,期臻百尺竿頭更進一步。


金門 詩歌


The first impression on Kingmen for a long time is a battle front, fortress and underground tunnels that fully manifest manhood.However, Kingmen, an island at sea, has had the reputation like the countries of Chou and Lu and it is the source of abundant culture. There are many emotional poems written in Kingmen’s ancient books. From these poems we can know many stories occurring in this land Kingmen since the ancient time . We can feel a rush of humanity and warmth from these poems as well. But at the same time we can also understand the past suffering the islanders experienced. At Sung Dynasty Ju Shih(朱熹), as an official advisor of Tung An County, had been to Kingmen to supervise the place and had taught there, which resulted in the later development of Kingmen literature. Confucian thought revealed in the notes of Ju Shih’s Four Books is also manifested in many of Kingmen’s poetry. This study is consisted of six chapters: Chapter One: Introduction; Chapter Two: The Origin and Environments of Regional Literature of Kingmen; Chapter Three: The Traditional Study on Kingmen’s Poetry; Chapter Four: The Study on the Poetry during the War Time of Kingmen; Chapter Five: The Study on the Modern Poetry of Kingmen and Its Development; Chapter Six: Conclusion. The range of the study covers from the foundation of the executive district established by the supervisor Cheng Yuan appointed by Dynasty Tang to the abolishment of the martial law. This research is divided into three stages covering three periods: The traditional study on Kingmen’s poetry including the study from the dynasties of Tang, Sung , Ming, Yuan, Ching to the early Republican China. Next is the research on the war time of Kingmen’s poetry that covers from the 38th year to 81st year of Republic of China, the year of the abolishment of the martial law. The last study is the research on the modern poetry of Kingmen after the abolishment of the martial law. The approaches applied in this study are the approaches of historical analysis, literature analysis and field survey. Nevertheless, literature is infinitive and there remains great potential suggested in this area. Your comments will be greatly anticipated, which will enhances this study.


Poetry Kinmen


《金門人文探索》張榮強著.臺北縣:稻田叢書,1996[民85] 金門學叢刊,楊樹清總編輯.
《金門人文探索》張榮強著.[金門縣金城鎮]:金門縣政府,1996 [民85] 金門學叢刊,楊樹清總編輯.

