  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Culture Communication and New Museum -a Case Study of Anping Old Street.

指導教授 : 許傳陽


新博物館的概念應用於傳播地方的印象,輔助了地方文化的推廣,同時也吸引他人進入地方觀看,而當今的休閒觀光盛行,促使文化與觀光做結合,讓地方透過展示來傳播地方文化。近年來,台南市政府將安平老街加入新博物館的概念,發展藝術與休閒觀光的文化融合。 本研究主要以安平老街為主軸,透過觀覽者文化旅遊的過程中,了解當地文化、生活與觀覽中所包含觀看新博物館的內容與角度,探究展示物是如何傳播與再現日常生活為本研究目的。研究以進入安平老街進行展示物的調查,包含舊建築、周遭環境和擺設等,紀錄可能傳播之物,並以深度訪談法訪談觀覽者探查遊歷的感受,為展示物與文化創意進行連結確認。訪談於2016年11月完成,訪談共八名觀覽者,每位訪談約十五分鐘。 研究發現,地方性之建構是經由觀覽者的經驗來協助展示環境的傳播,觀覽者在安平老街中接收展示符號時,會進行符號的解讀與區辨,亦呈現出個人過往的文化經驗來幫助體驗展示環境。


The concept of the new museum was used to communicate local image and to support the promotion of local culture. At the same time, attracting others to enter the place to view. Today, leisure and tourism are popular. It combines culture and tourism to develop local culture through the display. In resent yeas, Tainan City Government makes the concept of the new museum to Anping Old Street. It shows the integration of art and culture tourism. The research is based on Anping Old Street. The viewers comprehend the contents and the perspective of the new museum in Anping Old Sreet for local culture and life by tourism. The study examine the display how to communication and reproduction of daily life. The research uses a case study of Anping Old Street by examining the display. I record the old constructions, environment and exhibition in this street. And I use in-depth interview to survey the responses of viewers. The project has been completed on November 2016. It interviewed 8 visitors. The study shows that local construction is communicated through the experience of viewers to assist the display environment. The viewers interpretation and distinction of symbols when they accept it in Anping Old Street. It also shows that personal experience of the past help to experience the display environment.


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