  • 學位論文


Table Classification for Webpage Transcoding on Mobile Devices

指導教授 : 周清江


為了改善使用者在行動裝置上的網頁瀏覽經驗,已有許多研究 提出不錯的網頁內容調適方法,但是在調適表格區塊部分卻常常因 為對表格之分析不足,導致調適結果破壞原始語意。本研究設計與 實做以表格分類為基礎的行動裝置網頁表格區塊調適系統(TCWT, Table Classification for Webpage Transcoding on Mobile Devices),除 了引用過去相關研究之分類特徵, 更提出新的分類特徵 COTC(Composite Object Type Consistency, 組合物件型態一致性)用 以描述表格在資料呈現方式之一致性,此系統將各表格分類為資料 表格或排版表格,分別導引不同的調適策略,進行縮放、轉置以及 單欄調適的處理以維持表格原始結構和語意。我們除了實做出此網 頁內容調適系統,最後還透過系統滿意度問卷調查,驗證本系統確 實能有效改善行動裝置上的網頁表格瀏覽經驗。


Many techniques have been proposed to improve internet contents web browsing experience on the mobile devices. Even though many adaptation techniques for web pages are successful, the semantics between table cells are usually broken, due to inadequate table analyzing of the adaptation techniques. We design and implement a TCWT(Table Classification for Webpage Transcoding on Mobile Devices) system that maintain the semantics inside the web tables. We use and revise the features from related work as our features and propose a new feature called COTC(Composite Object Type Consistency) to describe the web tables. After classifying web tables into data tables and layout tables, we use the result to guide the adaptation strategy for improving the browsing experience. We not only implement the whole webpage content adaptation system, but also evaluate the user satisfaction level of our system.


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