  • 學位論文


Industrial Agglomeration and International Competitiveness in China

指導教授 : 小山直則


在現今競爭激烈的環境中,如何提升「競爭力」無疑是企業最重視的課題。其中,能夠為企業帶來競爭力以及其持續效果的「產業集聚」被認為是產業競爭力的重要來源以及其促進創新的發展模式。簡括來說,產業集聚就是企業在同一空間下高密度地集中在一起,凝聚力量降低生產成本,提高產品質量水平。而且通過企業集聚的力量外溢形成規模經濟,擴大整個產業群的生產規模。 在中國,產業集聚不僅是政府實施的重點政策之一,更是產業轉型的一個必經階段。其中以沿海地區的珠江三角洲與長江三角洲為中心發展,沿海城市由於具有先天的地理優勢、悠久的國際貿易歷史以及早期開放的創業環境,為中國吸納了大量貿易機會,發展成為世界有名的生產製造基地。本論文以M. E. Porter與伊丹敬之・松島茂・橘川武郎的產業集聚理論為中心,以中國的產業集聚現況為個案研究的對象。雖然產業集聚的相關理論不勝枚舉,但是本論文選擇以上述兩位學者的理論作主要分析的原因是在於M. E. Porter的產業集聚理論是以「鑽石理論」在產業群的外部環境中,分別從四大要素中進行分析以及強化其不足的部份。而且在強化各要素的過程中會促進相互刺激的作用,進而形成一股對產業創新的力量,使企業能夠提高競爭力以及維持其競爭優勢。另一方面,伊丹敬之・松島茂・橘川武郎的產業集聚理論是以「需求搬入企業」與「柔軟性」來說明產業集聚的存在性。伊丹敬之・松島茂・橘川武郎認為如果要讓產業群不容易被淘汰的話,內部組織的調整是非常重要,因此要經常保持其內部的「柔軟性」。總括來說,M. E. Porter與伊丹敬之・松島茂・橘川武郎的產業集聚理論分別以「外部化」與「內部化」來進行分析產業集聚的構造,如此鮮明的比較正是本論文選擇以其論證的主要原因。


In today's highly competitive environment, one of the most considerable issues is that how to enhance the level of “competitiveness” in the industry. Competitiveness and sustained effects of industry agglomeration are considered to be the important sources of industrial competitiveness and promote innovation model of development for the enterprise. All in all, organizations within the same industry gathered together in the same area to create high density to reduce production costs, gathering strength to improve product quality. As enterprises gathered the strength of spillover, economies of scale is expected to be achieved and hence, expand the production scale of the entire industry group. In China, Industry agglomeration not only is one of the key policy implemented by the government, it is also a necessary step in industrial restructuring. Which-centered development in the coastal areas of the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta, the coastal cities due to the inherent geographical advantages, the long established international trading history, as well as the entrepreneurial environment of the early open for China allowed them to absorb a large number of trade opportunities, to develop into a world-renowned manufacturing base. In this, M. E. Porter and Itami Noriyuki, Matsushima Shigeru, Kikkawa Takeo's industry aggregation theory as the center, gather the current situation in China's industrial case studies of object. Although the industry aggregation related theories are too numerous to mention, but this paper is to select these two scholars of the theory as the main analysis because M. E. Porter aggregation theory is based on a "diamond theory" which focused in the external environment of the industrial group. Respectively, analysis the four elements as well as strengthen its weaknesses, promote and strengthen the various elements of the process of mutual stimulation, thereby forming a force for industrial innovation, enabling enterprises to improve competitiveness and to maintain its competitive advantage. On the other hand, Itami Noriyuki, Matsushima Shigeru, Kikkawa Takeo‘s industry aggregation theory is based on "needs to move into the enterprise" and "flexibility" to indicate the presence of industry agglomeration. Itami Noriyuki , Matsushima Shigeru , Kikkawa Takeo stated that timely modification of the internal organizational structure and high level of flexibility are the key aspects of the survival for an industry group. In conclusion, M. E. Porter and Itami Noriyuki, Matsushima Shigeru, Kikkawa Takeo of industry aggregation theory respectively analyzed both externally and internally of the industry structure. Such a clear-cut comparison is the main reason this paper to select the scholars above.


一 日本語(作者五十音順)
