  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Applying Activity-Based Learning in Teaching Global Environment and Sustainable Development Issues in Elementary School

指導教授 : 高熏芳


本研究旨在探討運用活動導向學習法進行全球教育環境與永續發展議題的行動研究,課程中以澎湖將軍嶼作為在地探索環境,對照全球海洋環境的海洋垃圾議題,從在地問題與全球視野發展課程、實施並評量學生學習成效。 研究對象為澎湖縣將軍嶼一、二、三年級的學生,進行八節之全球環境與永續發展議題課程。研究範圍為全球教育中環境與永續發展議題,依據美國全球教育論壇全球議題內涵、北美環境教育協會環境學習目標、台灣國際教育白皮書能力指標、九年一貫環境教育能力指標訂定本教學方案之核心概念及目標。 本研究以促進評量方法瞭解學生的學習過程與成效,利用大洋中的垃圾海、全球環境與永續發展課程之自評表、給大人的一封信、宣傳海報設計等學習單,及統整教學日誌、學習日誌、觀察與訪談紀錄等質化資料。主要的研究結果歸納如下: 一、全球環境與永續發展課程符合時事的潮流,從小應提供學生全球的視野及觀點,提早接觸全球領域。 二、進行全球環境與永續發展議題課程,在地與全球的觀點須同時呈現,可以從全球觀點探究在地領域,或是從在地觀點加入全球視野。 三、活動導向學習法適合全球教育的實施,使用者須熟練學習法的使用,避免落入講述式教學的窠臼。 四、促進學習評量辦法講求教師回饋學生、學生修正、表現、教師再回饋的循環歷程,評量時教師務必要保留時間讓學生有機會修正再表現。 五、全球環境與永續發展課程除了在學校實施外,學生家庭、社會環境能夠提供實踐行動的場域或是機會,可以深化學生的學習成效。 六、透過行動研究歷程,教學者本身及學習者都能產生正面的影響。 本研究運用活動導向學習法進行全球環境與永續發展議題的教學範例,可協助一般教師瞭解發展全球教育課程的精神,據以自行發展相關的教學活動,或作為未來研究之參考。


The purpose of this action research is to design and implement the global environment and sustainable development issues by using activity-based learning. The researcher took Penghu island local sight to compare with the global perspective regarding the issues of global marine debris in the curriculum, and then implemented and assessed the performances of students’ learning. The researcher conducted eight classes on global environment and sustainable development issues for grade 1-3 of Jianh-Jun elementary school. The objectives and core concepts of this instructional project were derived from the educational goals proposed by U.S. Global Education Forum, North American Association for Environment Education, Taiwan White Paper on International Education, and Grade 1-9 competence indicators of environmental education. The research applied assessment for learning method to understand student’s learning process and results by collecting data from students’ learning sheets, teaching journal and observations, and interviews. The findings were summarized as follows: Ⅰ.The global environment and sustainable development issues were the trend of current development. It is necessary to teach children the topic of global perspective as early as possible. Ⅱ.In the global environment and sustainable development issues, the local views and global perspectives should be presented simultaneously. Ⅲ.The activity-based learning method is suitable for teaching global education. However, teachers must use it skillfully to avoid preaching to students. Ⅳ.Assessment for learning approach emphasizes on the loop process: teacher’s feedback, then student’s correction and performance. When using the assessment, it is important to have time and opportunities for students to revise their performance. Ⅴ.In addition to school, global environment and sustainable development issues should be emphasized in student’s family and the society as well in order to deepen students' learning. Ⅵ.Through the process of the action research, the teacher as the researcher and the students all experienced the positive growth. In this research, the curriculum design of the global environment and sustainable development issues and the instructional strategy of activity-based learning can provide the benchmark for other teachers to develop their own teaching or research for global education.




