  • 學位論文

應用Kano二維品質模式與品質機能展開於轉運站服務品質之研究 -以台北轉運站為例

Applying Kano’s Model and Quality Function Deployment for Evaluating the Quality of Service of Passenger Transfer Facilities - A Case of Taipei Bus Station

指導教授 : 許超澤


為紓解與日俱增的城際運輸量,並協助解決都市因土地資源有限,導致各家客運業者過度集中設立場站而產生壅塞的現象,並進一步整合各種運具與帶動公共運輸運量之成長,公路客運轉運中心因應而生。為了檢視並持續改善提供給旅客之服務品質,應對轉運站進行全面性的評量。傳統上對於運輸場站服務品質研究,多以統計方法進行探討,無法針對旅客對轉運站服務品質感受進行深入探討。本研究應用Kano二維品質模式與品質機能展開(QFD)方法,以辨別轉運站本身所提供的服務品質屬性與強弱,透過對旅客的不同需求進行分類,幫助轉運站了解不同層次的旅客需求,並將其需求作為服務品質改善的目標,以提供經營管理或政府相關單位作為參考依據,進而提升公共運輸整體效益。 本研究以台北轉運站為研究對象,進行問卷調查。問卷內容以蒐集國內外相關文獻整理而得,共列出二十六項服務品質屬性,依照所列出的服務品質屬性進行Kano正、反面問項、重要度與滿意度問項三大部份的調查。應用Kano二維品質模式可判斷出旅客對於轉運站所需求的服務品質特性,得到服務品質屬性的歸類,進而了解旅客所重視之服務品質要素,再將Kano二維品質模式結果,與落實符合旅客需求所必須具備的品質技術導入品質機能展開法(QFD),並透過專家問卷的結果,建構出轉運站品質屋關係矩陣,且利用品質特性排序法標準化權重並加權Kano二維品質權重,最後展開品質屋,分析旅客對轉運站各項服務品質的需求與重要程度,進而將本研究所列出之服務品質技術進行排序,得到改善轉運站服務品質技術的重要優先順序。 Kano二維品質模式進行屬性歸類的結果顯示,旅客認為台北轉運站所提供之服務品質要素主要是,所提供之服務為理所當然的「當然品質」以及服務具備與否皆無差別的「無差異品質」兩大類,顯示旅客對轉運站提供之服務並無感到特別滿意或具吸引力。再導入品質機能展開(QFD),結果顯示,目前台北轉運站最需優先進行服務品質改善的前五大項目為:「路標指示」、「動線規劃」、「空間設計最佳化」、「緊急狀況處理」及「環境舒適性」。 綜合上述分析,建議台北轉運站在「路標指示」方面,可將指標進行整理並規格化、精確化,移除多餘的標示,以排除旅客對於指標的混亂與不確定。於「動線規劃」、「空間設計最佳化」方面,則是可將排隊、移動之路線及空間內各設施的擺設做更有利的安排,以減少空間擁擠與堵塞的程度。「緊急狀況處理」方面可以從加派站內服務人員或加強人員訓練的方式進行改善。「環境舒適性」方面可以從改善硬體設施方面增加並維持既有環境整潔程度,以提升轉運站的服務品質,進而達到改善旅客對轉運站的感受並提升再使用之意願。


Since Taipei city has limited land resource that leads all inter-city bus industries excessive established terminals in one focus location and generate crowded phenomenon. A passenger transfer facility was born to assist the city to solve this phenomenon and alleviate the growing inter-city transportation volume, further integrates various transportation modes and public transports. To view and continually improve the quality of service provided to passengers, conducted a comprehensive evaluation is necessary. In tradition, the research of transportation terminal quality of service mostly explore by using statistical method which does not aim on passengers’ perception toward transfer facilities’ quality of service. In this study, the integration of Kano’s Model and Quality Function Deployment (QFD) methods are applied to identify the quality service’s attribute and strength provided by transfer facilities. Categorized the service qualities based on passengers’ different needs help transfer facilities to understand passengers’ demand in different levels, and set their needs as the goal of improving the quality of service to provide management or government agencies as a reference, and enhance the overall efficiency of public transport. In this study, Kano’s model is used to determine the needed characteristics of service quality from transfer facilities’ passenger and obtain the classification of quality of service’s attributes, further understand the factors that passengers emphasize toward quality of service. Import the integration of combining the result of Kano’s model and Functional requirement into QFD, also according to the result of expert questionnaires, a relationship matrix in house of quality can be constructed. Moreover, use quality attribute ranking to standardize weights and weighted Kano's quality. Last, expand house of quality to analyze the importance and needs of service quality that Taipei Bus Station provides to passengers, and sort the quality of service techniques listed in this case to understand the priority of improving functional requirements. According to the result of Kano’s model, passengers consider the main factor of services provided by Taipei Bus Station can be divided into two categories: "must-be quality element" and "indifferent quality element", which shows passengers are indifferent to the services provided by transfer facilities. After importing QFD, the top five factors that Taipei Bus Station should improve in quality of service are prioritized as follows: Sign", "Routes Planning", "Space Design Optimization", "Emergency Treatment" and "Environmental Comfort". Some recommendations are indicated according to the analysis results from above. First, in “Signs” aspect, Taipei Bus Station is suggested to organize, normalize and precise the indicators, also remove the excess marks to prevent passengers’ confusion and uncertainty. Second, in “Routes Planning” and “Space Design Optimization”, the line up path, moving route and furnishing all facilities in the space can have more efficient organization to reduce spatial extent of crowding and congestion. Third, “Emergency Treatment”, to deploy more staff or strengthen personnel training methods is the way to improve. Last, in “Environmental Comfort” aspect, the improvement of hardware capacities and maintain existing environmental cleanliness can enhance the Taipei Bus Station’s quality of service; moreover, achieving improve the passenger perception on the terminal and the willingness to enhance reuse.


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