  • 學位論文


The Research in Relation of Coopetition between China and India (2005-2010)

指導教授 : 曾復生


印度與中共同為發展中大國,為了確保持續發展之支撐條件和有利的戰略環境,雙方在許多議題上有不同程度的矛盾和衝突,包含能源需求、地緣戰略、邊界主權、西藏問題、反恐活動、水資源等。 近年中共在經濟與軍力提升後,展現對其核心利益強烈捍衛的意志,顯然對軍事與安全之認知與作法已有相當調整,恐將對包含印度在內等國家爾後與中共之互動關係增加不確定因素。 在中共和印度的各自崛起過程中,由於互動過程中所滋生的矛盾性亦逐漸浮現,包含印度洋海線安全、能源戰略、西藏問題、聯合國安理會常任理事國席次、水資源發展、恐怖主義活動、邊界劃界、經貿互動和軍事安全等,勢必成爲雙方無法迴避之議題,可能存在競爭、合作、或是合作中有競爭、或是競爭中包含合作等各種面向,除會影響雙邊關係發展的進程,亦可能對南亞及亞太區域甚至是全球的情勢,産生深遠之影響。


戰略 利益 合作 競合


India and China are major developing countries, in order to ensure the sustainable development of the supporting conditions and a favorable strategic environment, both the contradictions and conflicts of varying degrees on many issues, including energy demand, geo-strategic boundary of sovereignty, the issue of Tibet, anti-terrorism activitiesand water resources. In recent years China's economic development and military power increased demonstrated strong will to defend its core interests. Its military and security awareness and practices have been varying degrees of adjustment, might cause the Asia-Pacific neighboring countries India included,increasing the uncertainties in the future to interact with China. In China and India rise, due to the interactive process of the breeding contradictions emerge, including the Indian Ocean sea line security, energy strategy, the Tibet issue, the UN Security Council permanent seat, water resources development, terrorist activities,demarcation of the border, trade and economic interaction and military security, will become the two sides could not evade the question, there may be competition, cooperation, or cooperation with competition, or competition with the various aspects of cooperation, in addition to affect the development of bilateral relations process, may also in South Asia and Asia-Pacific region and even the global situation, resulting in a profound impact.


strategy interest cooperation coopetition


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