  • 學位論文


US-China-India Strategic Triangle under Obama Administration(2009-2015)

指導教授 : 李大中


歐巴馬上任之初的美國,深陷自九一一事件後反恐戰爭的泥沼,此外,加上自2008年受金融風暴影響,使其經濟不振與國力相對下滑,也因此掀起了國際秩序的新頁。國際關係一改傳統以西方為首的世界局勢,亞洲成為新的舞臺。 中國與印度,自受到蘇聯崩解的震撼,先後將國家發展重心自政治領域轉移到經濟領域,近年來逐漸在國際上發光發熱,兩個世界上人口最多的新興國家,在多年韜光養晦後趁勢崛起。其中,中國綜合國力的崛起更相對撼動著美國超強霸主之位。面對國際局勢的瞬息萬變,歐巴馬政府努力建立21世紀國際安全架構,隨著華府宣示重返亞洲,美國展開一系列戰略行動,透過外交、軍事、經濟、民主價值等,軟硬實力交替運用,以因應區域崛起的中國。 美國與中國作為兩個超級大國,雙邊關係穩定與否無疑最能影響當今國際局勢。然而美中關係錯綜複雜,兩國間存在著結構性難解之矛盾,倡導合作的初衷也似乎被定型化的競逐態勢取代。而印度在美中較勁的態勢中扮演重要角色,印度的戰略佈局也對新時期的美中關係有相當程度的影響,尤其是近年來中國經濟成長出現停滯,印度的吸引力與影響力相對扶搖直上,已不可同日而語。在美中印三邊關係中,每一組雙邊關係(美中、中印、美印)都有其戰略意義,如何實現長期戰略穩定亦是美中印三方的重要課題。 作為世界上人口最多的第二大經濟體中國與世界上最大的民主國家印度,以及美國目前仍是全世界最強大的國家,在現今「一超多強」的國際局勢下,「美國夢」、「中國夢」與「印度夢」在不同領導人的帶領下有著不同的走向,尤其中國的習近平與印度的莫迪,兩人皆展現出更加積極的企圖心,皆渴望在其任內能達成強權的「美夢」,中印之間的矛盾遂也形成美印戰略上的利益交匯點。本文即對美中印戰略三角之演進進行深入研究與探討。


The Obama administration faces a relative decline of the United States and a new page of international politics order after the slough of the 9/11-driven dominance of anti-terrorism in U.S. foreign policy and the undergoing shift in the international economic order after the global financial crisis of 2008. China and India, the two emerging powers, have the world's first and second population; have been rising these years after changing the field of their national development in succession. The international political situation thus has been changed; Asia surpassed Western as world’s most important area, especially the ascendance China has the most potential of overtaking the U.S. as the world's superpower. According to these circumstances, the Obama administration seeks a different approach to national security than the previous administration as establish the 21st century international security architecture which is so-called Pivot to Asia, includes developing a series of strategic actions in all aspects such as diplomatic, military, economic, liberal democratic values and so forth in response to the rise of China by using its hard power and soft power interchangeably. For being the two biggest super powers in the world, the stable of US-China bilateral relations no doubt has a significant impact to the international situation nowadays. As US-China relations enter a period of dynamic uncertainty and India’s own ties with Washington and Beijing expand, the unfolding Sino-US contestation has begun to insert India into the balance of power politics in East Asia. All these three powers face unprecedented challenges in coping with the changing balance of power in Asia, especially while China and India are under Xi Jinping and Modis’ rules; they both have more ambitions and strong desires to achieve their dreams, a potentially triangular dynamic thus has begun to emerge between these three powers.


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