  • 學位論文


A Study on Cloud Computing Services using the Charging Model and the Safety Exploration for the Enterprises

指導教授 : 曹銳勤


近年來因為「物聯網 (IoT, Internet of Things)」的興起,加速了「巨量資料 (Big Data)」發展與「雲端運算 (Cloud Computing)」服務之運用,進而使得資訊設施汰換時間日趨縮短。然而資訊發展迅速使得資訊系統硬體效能、儲存容量及網路傳輸速率都大幅的成長。資訊技術的進步使得訊息資料急速成長,企業組織若無法將所收集到的大量資訊妥善分析與利用,無法及時了解顧客需求因而喪失先機,將導致營收與利潤下降,最後將因為無法與對手競爭而退出市場。但因為近年來世界各地經濟成長趨緩,企業組織為維持利潤成本控制是主要方法之一。為解決上述問題以現有的雲端服務軟體即服務 (SaaS, Software as a Service) 衍生出以提供巨量資料分析的雲端「資料倉儲 (Data Warehouse)」委外服務。 本論文研究探討在企業組織對於雲端運算建置成本有一定的價值認知前提下,以計費模式、服務安全性與「任務-科技適配 (TTF, Task-Technology Fit)」整合模式建立研究架構模型,採用以問卷方式進行資料蒐集,以了解對於巨量資料分析有需求之企業組織,接受採用新型態的雲端運算委外服務之意願。 研究模型與回收之問卷採以「結構方程模型 (SEM, Structural Equation Modeling)」進行檢驗,使用工具為AMOS 21版本軟體進行資料分析,對於構面信效度分析採用「驗證性因素分析 (CFA, Confirmatory Factor Analysis)」來衡量,對於研究模型之結構進行模型配適度檢測及路徑分析來驗證假說。 本論文研究驗證結果後有6項發現1、企業組織的「價值認知」會正向影響企業組織對於「計費模式」的考量。2、「價值認知」與「任務-科技適配」會相互影響。3、「任務-科技適配」會正向影響企業組織採用雲端運算委外服務之意願。4、雲端運算委外服務其「任務-科技適配」與「服務安全性」會相互影響。5、雲端運算委外服務廠商提供完整的雲端運算「服務安全性」,會正向影響企業組織採用之意願。6、計費模式並非企業組織採用雲端運算委外服務之考量重點。 本論文研究結果將有助於提供雲端運算委外服務供應商了解,企業組織對於任務與其科技適配是必要的,資料傳輸時的安全性亦是雲端運算委外服務的考量重點,進而提供符合企業組織所需之巨量資料分析服務。


Due to the raise of Internet of Things (IoT), the speed of development of Big Data, and the service of Cloud Computing, time between upgrades for IT hardware has shorten significantly. With the rapid development of IT sector, system efficiency, storage capacity, and data transfer speed have all been improved greatly. With this new development of data processing, if corporations were not able to properly used and analyzed these data and determined the need of customers, markets would be lost to competitors and margin would go down, thus business would be lost. Although keeping up with latest hardware to gather data is an important issue for corporations, due to the economic slowed down in recent years, they have been controlling the relative budgets in order to keep the profit margin to sustain their business. In order to solve this problem, Data Warehouse, which is the extended service of Software as a Service (SaaS), could be offered as a solution for corporations to store and analysis data. This purpose of this study is to use the billing model, service of security, and Task-Technology (TTF), based on the premise that corporations have a basic knowledge on the cost of cloud computing, to form the research framework. We are collecting our data, the understanding of need of big data analysis and acceptance of outsourcing cloud computing for corporations, via survey. The method we use for analyzing our data is Structural equation Modeling (SEM), and the program we are using is AMOS version 21. For reliability analysis, we are using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to determine our hypothesis. After analyzed the data we collected, we have come up with six conclusions. 1. Corporation’s value conscious will have a positive effect on payment calculation. 2. Value conscious and task adaption will affect each other. 3. Task adaption will have a positive effect on corporation’s decision to out-source cloud calculation service. 4. For out sourced cloud calculation service, task adaption and service security would affect each other. 5. If an out sourced cloud service provider can provide a complete service security, it will affect the willingness for the corporation to adapt the service. 6. Billing method is not one of the primary concerns for corporations to out-source cloud computing service. This conclusion of this study would help the cloud service providers to understand that first, it is necessary for corporations to manager its task and technology. And second, data security is another important concern for corporations. If service providers could meet the expectation of corporations, it would attract corporations to adapt their service.


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